My fear is that people would notice the unnaturally short lower legs and also I'm 193cm tall, I need to just embrace being a tall mommy type girly
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depending on the outfit, i dont think people would notice, but your right tall girls are great (source: trust me)
I'd be careful. Unnatural ratios can be very noticeable, and body ratios are very ingrained into our subconsciousness. It would cause something to feel off on a first glance, causing a more accurate second glance, which likely would it make very obvious.
Or just get proportionallly sized clothes that fit and dress like a normal girl (not mommy)
Yeah, I was mostly joking :P
I am already short,I could be even shorter :3
If smol correlates with cute, you could at the same time become even cuter :3
nah I am an absolute goblin. With good and the bad(which means I am ugly :3 :3)
It's a reverse DeSantis
this must be created immediately