hundreds of pictures of Morgan Freeman
A place to share pictures
1. Images only (obviously).
But meta posts without images are allowed.
2. Pictures only
This community is for pictures. Merriam-Webster defines a picture as “a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something.” However, this community will extend this definition. Digital forms such as 3D render are allowed. Abstract art forms that do not represent anything are also allowed.
3. No distracting superimposed text or emoji
Generally, you should be able to appreciate a post without being able to read.
4. No low quality MS paint-esque drawings
5. Remember to follow sitewide rules
You can find them on the sidebar of the homepage
Does Chicago have beaches?
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
A GIF of a ship? Oh, and an MP3 of "Message In A Bottle" by The Police?
An embarrassing photo of Spongebob from the Christmas party.
I think I might actually be able to count the number of pixels in this image.
3074 yes you can 👍🏻
Half Life 2 part 3
the entire beatles discography in wav, flac and convenient 320kbps mp3 formats
spicy memes from 2003 too hot to touch now
Scans of all my grocery lists from 1951-present day.
I wonder how long a flash drive will survive. Shouldn't the nand gates release its electron that it holded for 2 to 12 years?
Is an SSD the same or similar to a flash drive?
Definitely Linux ISOs