I don't have the ability to listen to a video right now to engage with the points this video specifically makes, but I will share something I just recently learnt that may alleviate some of the blame from Ticketmaster for concerts becoming expensive.
There's been a complete flip in the music industry. It used to be that record sales were the primary means of musicians getting income, and they would use concert tours as an advertisement for their records. But since digital downloads of singles, and even more since streaming, people listening to their music at home doesn't make much money for musicians anymore, except for from the small subset of hardcore fans who might be buying vinyl or other collectors' items. So instead they make money by touring and selling merch (which itself is often associated with a tour). Which naturally means prices need to rise.
None of this absolves Ticketmaster for its role in dishonestly raising the prices through the use of extra mandatory fees. The advertised price should be the minimum price you can actually pay, inclusive of all required components.