Surely nothing will threaten humanity and managed Democracy ever again!
Helldivers 2
Welcome to the Helldivers 2 Community on the Fediverse.
Galactic War Status
- Be kind to other Citizens of Super Earth
- No discussion of cheats or bug exploits.
- Posts or comments with leaked / unreleased info must be clearly labelled. Example: Use [Spoiler] in the title or spoiler tag in comments.
- No spam or advertising (YouTube, Twitch, etc)
Banner by Noobmasterpro
Man that AT-AT enemy was so rare I literally saw it the first time on the very last bot mission I did. Kinda sad it's gone (for now) because it looked pretty sick and was hard to take down. Would've wanted to fight it a bit more.
Also bugs are not contained, discord announcement already spoiled the next MO which is to go push back the bugs.
so no bot mission and how are you going to complete personal order later with bot specific enemy type? (like kill 20 devastators?)
Joel won't give you that type of mission anymore (probably).
well, I mentioned it because personal order like shop items are on a loop, so it always loop back to some stuff unless they can patch/config it out on the server side.