What is this?
So after tinkering for a while with my Subscriptions Panel (please feel free to try that one out too, btw!), I thought I'd take a go at cleaning up some of my other experiments that I have been playing around with and share them with the world.
That's how the Kbin Usability Pack was born, which is a growing very opinionated collection of enhancements and tweaks that I'm using myself.
- Inline preview of Kbin articles.
- Improved media preview.
- Drag to resize media preview (only images, currently).
- Larger preview buttons
- Keyboard shortcuts for upvoting, downvoting, boosting, opening article and previews.
- Fixed mobile menu to respect default homepage instead of just always linking to "/".
- Changed logo behaviour on mobile to navigate to home instead of opening mobile menu. Hamburger menu still opens menu.
- Moved thumbnails to the left.
- Slight tweaking to general CSS, especially on mobile.
- Infinitely scrolling comments.
- Subheader on articles showing the full link URL (also opens link in new tab when clicked)
- Overhauled settings panel with new components and asynchronous changes.
Keyboard shortcuts
A: Upvote.
Z: Downvote.
B: Boost.
O: Open article.
Enter: Enter article selection.
Enter, when article is selected: Toggle previews (press once to open article preview, twice to open media preview and three times to close previews).
Up/down arrow: Move between selected articles.
Escape: Exit article selection.
A selected article is indicated by a dotted border.
Article page
A: Upvote article.
Z: Downvote article.
B: Boost article.
O: Open link in new tab.
Enter: Toggle media preview.
This project is still absolutely in its infancy so do expect some bugs and occasional weirdness.
The following things are currently in the immediate pipeline:
- Further media preview enhancements.
- Handle more built-in settings like auto media preview.
Inline preview of an article (0.0.1)
New media preview and article preview (0.0.1)
Some fancy preview in a preview (0.0.1)
- Added keybind ("O") to open article.
- Added kebindings to article page (toggle preview, open link in new tab, vote, boost).
- Improved article preview styling.
- Changed comment link in feed to link to article instead of the comment section.
- Added enhanced media preview to article page.
- Added subheader to article page to show full link URL (also opens link in new tab if clicked).
- Added infinite scroll to article comments.
- Added logo, because why not?
- Fixed article previews in compact mode
- Fixed some layout quirkiness.
- Fixed missing get parameters in URL subheader.
- Fixed thumbnails missing rounded corners.
Added settings enhancements
New components for toggles and enums.
Settings save in the background without reload (reload is still required for some settings to apply, though).
Compatible with existing settings and any third party settings, like for Kbin Enhancement Script.
Fallback for custom settings types.
Collapsable sections (hold shift to toggle all)
Support for live changes that apply immediately without reload (currently only KUP settings).
Support for settings descriptions (currently only KUP settings)
Enhancements that can be toggled in settings
URL subheader
Article preview button
Remove anchor from comment links.
- Fixed issue with handling third party settings
-It's happening on my homepage (all), I'll get some screenshots together tonight showing it :)-
Edit: Scratch that, I must've clicked through into a magazine as it's showing now. Sorry for the confusion, that's my bad.