I would greatly not prefer that. Only showing top level comments means that no one would get their bad takes reined in automatically. You'd have to make the effort to see whether the replies are with or against the comment.
Would the upvote/downvote numbers be an indicator?
Anyway, I would like to have the option in the app settings to fold threads, but like I said before, most reddit refugees are going to be used to expanded threads -- so I think that should be the default setting.
I would greatly not prefer that. Only showing top level comments means that no one would get their bad takes reined in automatically. You'd have to make the effort to see whether the replies are with or against the comment.
Would the upvote/downvote numbers be an indicator?
Anyway, I would like to have the option in the app settings to fold threads, but like I said before, most reddit refugees are going to be used to expanded threads -- so I think that should be the default setting.
Options are always good -- there's no need to activate it if you don't like it. Presumably the default for such a setting would be off.