this post was submitted on 27 May 2024
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founded 2 years ago

I've noticed a few prosumer type devices are now on the market.

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[–] 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Man after my experience with linksys I almost didn’t ever bother with openwrt or anything to do with flashing a router ever again. Glad to stumble upon this thread and see others recommending glinet. Definitely the way to go if you want openwrt compatibility out of the box without all the fucking around.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

I have had a create experience with OpenWRT on Linksys. It probably just depends on the device and chipset.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What was your experience? I've had two Linksys WRT routers running OpenWRT for 9 years and 7 years respectively, with several software upgrades in that time, and I've never had a problem.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Sorry for the delayed reply. I had a wrt3200x. I think a couple of years later they were acquired. One of the wifi radios had a driver issue that pretty much never got resolved because no one within linksys was willing to fix it on their end because it was a couple years old (and pre acquisition product).

I also nearly went insane learning about VLANs whilst trying to implement them with this router. Which was required by my ISP. A couple really weird issues that I ended up spending way too much time on my end trying to fix. Nearly put me off openwrt tbh but eventually I realised it was a firmware issue. Radio issue was similar or related to mwlwifi or something.

Thank god that model specifically had dual bios (amazingly handy feature) until I eventually even bricked that and couldn’t be bother fixing it via serial port.