Battle Maps

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founded 2 years ago

This map has an upper floor! Check it out here!

I’m currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and fleshing out a lot of the locations that the campaign visits along the way. One of those is the city of Daggerford, and the locales detailed there on the wiki and in the early 5e adventure Scourge of the Sword Coast. Like with my earlier post with the Lady Luck Tavern, I couldn't find any inns that matched the official description of the place, so I made my own.

The Lizard's Gizzard is an inn, a laundry, and an orphanage all at the same time. The soft-hearted half-orc owner Sasha takes in young women that she helps to get on their feet by giving them employment as inn maids and laundry workers. The girls' rooms are on the ground floor, while guest rooms are on the upper floor.

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 37x37.


This map has an upper floor with balconies that overlooks the ground floor! Check it out here!

I’m currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and fleshing out a lot of the locations that the campaign visits along the way. One of those is the city of Daggerford, and the locales detailed there on the wiki and in the early 5e adventure Scourge of the Sword Coast. I couldn't find any maps online matching the description of the Lady Luck Tavern given in that adventure, so I made one getting as close to the official description as I could.

The center of the tavern has a stone pillar with iron rungs set into it. Patrons can climb the pillar and mark it with all sorts of symbols or messages dedicated to those who have died in combat. Around the pillar on the second floor are a series of private balconies from which the typical antics can be watched. There's also a small shrine to Tymora situated at the bar containing Tymora's Cup, which is always kept full of drink in case she decides to drop in.

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 40x29.


I started a huge map a couple of years ago. Long story short: my cousin needed a map and I wanted a project to teach myself how to use Campaign Cartographer 3+.

The project is huge, and I totally underestimated the scope. But then my cousin's players wandered away from the city of Greengulf, so the pressure is no longer there.

This area of the city was one of the first images I shared with my cousin. I'm freeing up some space on my email account, but I thought I'd share this here instead of just deleting those old emails (don't panic, I do have a way to generate this image again in the future... or any part of the city if needed).


cross-posted from:

This is the completion of what I had in mind for the "tactical map". I must say, I didn't come up with the concept, nor the color palette. I got that from an image I downloaded from somewhere... But I don't remember where. Maybe the Traveller Discord?

Anyway, the main image is very much tied to the M2E version of Traveller, but back when I made this image I hadn't fully commited to one ruleset (I'm both a heavy houseruler and heavy improviser).

So here's one for Cepheus Engine:

And here's one for Cepheus Deluxe:

The Range tracker doesn't make sense for CD rules, but it looks cool and I didn't know what else to put there. :)

Relay station [sci-fi] (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I must admit I'm posting this in order to gauge if there's interest on a Traveller community. ~~If you're interested drop a comment on this post I created at ! Edit: Alas, I ended up creating ! instead.

Back to the map: I created it over a year ago, but hadn't shared it on Lemmy. As with many Traveller maps, a square is meant to be 1.5m (close to the 5ft used in most fantasy genres).

This space station design was commissioned, to the lowest bidder, by a local planetary government much to the horror of the IISS. And it shows that is was done on a budget. Sure, the comms are prefectly suited for a relay station, but it often feels like a death-trap. Just ask any of the employees.

Made up of four general-purpose modules glued together, and then fitted to accomplish it's purpose, any outsider would think everything should work fine. However, many bottom-credit decisions were made and it might be just a matter of time until something goes wrong.

For instance, the original design had a fourth spoke for an additional docking module, but it was scraped from the implementation and now this station only has a single docking port, usually occupied by the emergency escape pod. Mind you, the pod can seat 2 sophonts and the station has 4 or 5 regular employees (though it can house up to eight at a time), so any real emergency would lead to drawing straws.

The escape pod itself is also bare-minimum, with only a 1G M-drive (and no J-drive). The two lucky survivors would arrive at the closest port after 4.5 days (just as much as the pod's life-support will last autonomously).

If that's not enough to label it a death trap, just consider that most of the life support systems are phisically located in the station's center module, but only the docking module could be properly isolated in case of a hull breach.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

This map is meant to be for a section of the Nepenthe River, though it also serves well as any generic underground river. I had a larger battle in mind than would be accommodated well by other underground river maps I was finding online, so I opted to make my own.

I'm currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and I've utilized Dragonspear Castle (which this river runs beneath) for a side quest while the party makes its way north along the Trade Way. I've also made custom maps for Dragonspear Castle's basement and warrens, though those will likely need some work before sharing them online publicly (if I ever do).

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 50x18.


A set of very simple VTT-friendly maps I made for the adventure Rescue From Cromm’s Hold.

Hope others find them useful.


A very simple VTT-friendly map I made for the adventure The Lost Tomb of the Dwarven Prince.

Hope others find it useful.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by kapx132 to c/

cross-posted from:

Hello, im a new GM and im looking for places to get digital battlemaps. Im looking for ones that are compatible with roll20.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I know there are tons of roadside ambush battlemaps out there if you look for them, but particularly I wanted one in a sparse forest location that was much bigger than most of what I was finding. I also like playing with different elevation levels to make combat more interesting, so I added several tiers within the map where players or foes can get the jump on their victims below.

I'm currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and specifically I created this map to be used with the Stranded event from Episode 4: On the Road. Though of course, it's generic enough to be used for any encounter along a forested dirt road.

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 35x30. Link contains additional versions with and without grid and cart, in case you want to use this map for an encounter that doesn't include helping an unlucky merchant or luring players into a trap.

Edit: Added link to source file.


I threw together a little treasure cave together for my table. There's a spider boss hanging out in that northern room guarding a Spiderclimber's Kit in the very next room. Once they have it, they'll be able to snag treasure at the bottom of the deep pit and the high cliff.


cross-posted from:

OK, the previous map's vegetation was bugging me, so I took a bit of time to practice those particulars. I want to add a bit more depth to the shrubs, but hey, they still get the job done.

Hey folks on this side of the fedi, my thing is that I make shitty maps fast. I like to think i get better with each one, but that is a dangerous thought that threatens to invoke perfectionism that threatens to doom the project. So I aim for a quick and dirty aesthetic on purpose!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hi all! First time posting a battlemap here, let alone an adventure.

This map is made for the following horror-themed adventure: The Emerton Manor. It should be an appropriate challenge for a well-built level 3 party, and take up one session. Given the horror themes in it, it is quite appropriate for this season.

If you end up running this adventure, please tell me how it went in the comments, and if you have any ideas for improving it. (I don't make any money off of this, it's CC, and I don't even have a Patreon / Ko-fi / Onlyfans / whatever.)

Happy Halloween!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Note: This map was created before the full release of Baldur's Gate 3, so it roughly follows the layout from the original Baldur's Gate game and the description in the wiki instead. Though the technical challenge of recreating the Baldur's Gate 3 layout would have been fun.

I’m currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and fleshing out a lot of the locations that the campaign visits along the way. One of those is the city of Baldur’s Gate, and many of its more iconic locales detailed in the official gazetteer and in past official adventures.

The Blushing Mermaid is a rowdy place where you're almost sure to get yourself into a bar brawl if you look at someone the wrong way (or stay in the common area for more than 5 minutes). Its namesake is the life-sized wooden mermaid hanging above the bar, to which many blackened hands are nailed. Some say they're from past patrons who didn't settle up on their tab.

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 25x21. Additional versions with and without lighting and grid.

Edit: Added link to source file.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

First post on The TTRPG Network!

I wanted to give this community a bit of a shot in the arm, so I want to try posting some of my created maps here several weeks before putting them on Reddit.

I'm currently running Hoard of the Dragon Queen for 5e, and fleshing out a lot of the locations that the campaign visits along the way. One of those is the city of Baldur's Gate, and many of its more iconic locales detailed in the official gazetteer and in past official adventures. This is a top-down, detailed version of The Undercellar, and I closely followed the layout shown in a now-public 4e adventure called Rats in the Undercellar.

Map was created with Dungeondraft, utilizing the following asset packs:

You can find the source file here, though it needs the above asset packs to open correctly.

Map is 100px grid, and is 65x57. Additional versions with and without lighting and grid.

Edit: Added additional asset pack credits and source file.


Hello everyone. I made a map this week for one of my campaigns. It’s nothing special, but I figured I should put content here to support the project.

This is free to use or edit however you want.