These people are a bunch of complete idiots.
Of all the ways to force compliance into someone, they think an authoritarian government would choose to force masks? This is dumb beyond imagination.
This community is about making fun of dumb right wing memes. Here you will find some of the cringiest memes that the right has ever posted on the internet.
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These people are a bunch of complete idiots.
Of all the ways to force compliance into someone, they think an authoritarian government would choose to force masks? This is dumb beyond imagination.
I like this meme. We can apply this logic directly to laws criminalizing abortions, or regulations to make access to abortions more difficult.
But somehow i have the feeling they won't agree with this.
It was never for the fetus, It was always to defeat us
It's not about welfare, It's about wealth heirs
Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me!
Seat belts are cool tho
I feel like there's at least one story a year about a conservative talking head who dies from a lack of seat belt related injury.
Must be weird being able to put 2 and 2 together in midair and realize at the end, you're the killer, but not before the Half Life gib SFX plays
Without reading the server name, one might think this is just relaying right wing propaganda. It's not an obviously bad right wing joke, it's just plain ol propaganda.