I would like to put the genie back in the bottle, please.
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Yep, why should human progress actually benefit humans!
Firstly, is this guy an in any way qualified to talk about AI? If not, I don't see why we should trust him about it; he's just one of the many self-proclaimed experts really knowing nothing about the topic. A few things I think are relevant here:
- AI could only potentially replace cognitive jobs.
- "AI" like ChatGPT is only ruminating on its training data, so it cannot drive innovation, only do jobs where information is already available.
- As with all innovation making human work obsolete, it is only really a bad thing if we allow its benefits to be unevenly distributed.
As with all innovation making human work obsolete, it is only really a bad thing if we allow its benefits to be unevenly distributed.
So, based on any reading of history...it will be a bad thing.
People still had jobs after the industrial revolution. We'll still have jobs after the AI revolution. They may be different jobs in some cases, but there will still be a need for direct human interaction for a long time to come.