I loved season 3 of Enterprise, and while I didn't think as highly of 4 as some, it was still a decent show at that point. It was a shame it was cancelled.
I'm not sure there's much reason to pick up where the show left off though, unless it's for a one off limited series covering the Romulan War or something. Strange New Worlds is doing the regular Star Trek thing and doing it well, so it would need to be something that really justified returning to the setting.
If I could wipe Enterprise from history and start over, I think I'd have liked it to lean more into the low tech stuff and make that the hook. The show very quickly seemed to drop that side of things, and even early on it mostly just replaced later Trek stuff with other stuff that did the same job. Polarised hull playing replaced shields, lasers replaced phasers etc. They even had a transporter. I'd like to see humanity taking its first steps to the stars without any of that stuff.