What orientation would you print that in? Looks like it's going to snap apart.
Functional 3D Printing
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Not my design, but you are right. If I were to make this , I'd print it in the orientation shown but the bottom would be flat to give a better foundation for the print.
That said, I'd probably split this down the middle, and make each clip its own clip, and print the clip on its side.
That way you don't have to worry about overhangs and the print 'grains' would be in a better orientation for the spring like effect.
Might make more sense to print it right side down, so the layer lines go along the clips instead of across them.
Would be a pain in the ass for support building, but maybe print it as just one clip instead of two, and print two of them with a spacer to cover the command strip? Or maybe just a smaller one clip part and cut the command strip?