lots of evilbuilding vibes. Too bad you can't get inside :/
A place to share cool castles!
Post images or any other content relating to castles, châteaux, palaces, towers, keeps, fortresses, and follies. The following content is encouraged but not required:
- Castle name in native language (English name) - location [include country and region, if not city/town]
- Best website (official or otherwise)
- Some sort of map link
- Visitation details: open/closed to public, closed but technically reachable, tours?, etc.
- History: Whatever can be briefly copy-pasted
More than just images are welcome. Only real rule is that content must refer to a real-life structure, so please no fantasy/fictional castles! Reasonable exceptions include media showcasing period life and technology that somehow relates to castles.
Totally. I really wonder if there are explorers who make their way inside. Hard to find that kind of stuff without speaking the language.
I find it really interesting the difference in attitude in castle preservation in the UK Vs on the continent -- that is, do you build it back and restore the castle, or do you just seek to prevent further damage and keep it in its current state (a la Corfe Castle).
Interesting indeed!