It may be annoying now, but ultimately it’s a favor. Run.
Censorship is bad, and is often difficult to seek accountability for (because such attempts are themselves censored).
This community exists as a safe place to report on instances and patterns of censorship among pro-GME, pro-DRS, and financial transparency accounts/content.
RULE: Due to the unfortunate risk of escalating tensions, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc. If such commentary is included in screenshots, it must be redacted out.
'Tis the truth.
If they're taking down Magpie then the mods are absolutely compromised on Superstonk. She's been active forever.
She's been around forever too.
Speaks volumes.
Unlike the stock.
eyyyy lmao goteeem
You were in a financial cult built around a dying retailer led by a man who tweets poop emojis. Congratulations on getting out.
Well, while there may be some truth to that, the unadulterated larger truth of the matter is that the world-wide Wall Street network and regime is - without a fucking doubt - a far bigger and more powerful cult with mantras of "greed is good!" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, kiddo!"
The amount of power and money and propaganda associated with the Wall Street regime and network is more than any other in the entire history of humankind.
That you mock and ~chastise people who are working against (which is, again, the larger truth of the matter) is telling of your basic character and education... and quite disappointing. My guess is your grandparents would be ashamed of your behaviour.