People who peaked in high school
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I've never heard that, but it was definitely the easiest time of my life. It's all responsibilities and back pain from there.
When I was in high school, I would say, “If this is the best time of my life, I’m in real trouble later on.”
Despite responsibilities and back pain, I am enjoying my 50s more than my teen years. I was a lot more carefree back then, but I that’s just because I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
If your life is slowly getting worse over time and it's not caused by illness or any sort of loss and tragedy then you're doing life wrong.
As I'm in my 30s I think one of the things I really miss from that time in my life is that my parents were still relatively young 40s-early 50sis such a different age range to be in compared to late 50s-60s. It's sad to see my once more active parents slow down.