I use a different user name on every site these days. Not that UberMegaDataAIBot can't track me if it tries, but I don't need to make it easy for it.
Reddit Migration
### About Community Tracking and helping #redditmigration to Kbin and the Fediverse. Say hello to the decentralized and open future. To see latest reeddit blackout info, see here: https://reddark.untone.uk/
I'm using the name I would've used had it not been taken.
Same. What's the point in having a last name no one can pronounce or spell if not to use in my username everywhere?
The original name I wanted on Reddit was taken. Here it was not, so I changed.
I kept mine. Previously I only used this handle for Reddit, but now I have it here (and on Metafilter, where I created a new account after flouncing 10+ years ago—seems weirdly fitting as I originally learned of Reddit’s existence from Metafilter.)
I use random one all the time. I mostly lurk anyway, but I'll post more on Fediverse.
Yes, but no. It's inspired by my Reddit username, but I managed to get a much much shorter variant on Kbin, lol.
New one. When I made my Reddit account I really want sure what I was doing and it auto created one for me, it was very random.
Same UN. Just felt familiar
I decided to go with a new one that was randomly generated. Keep it interesting
same one, u/hazbuzan.
super old username.
Been using this name since I had a Xbox 360. It almost feels more familiar than my real name.
I’m using a very old username that I never used on Reddit. My Reddit username is retired.
Same one, just signed up after finding this site yesterday night :)
new to try and get a more basic name
i wouldn't share names cuz then i'd have ppl know who i was, bad OPSEC. Instead, I doxx myself here so that others cannot doxx me.
I'm using a new one. I like a change!
New name....have been changing some names around recently. Pretty easy to spot my accounts with my avatar though.
I went new but it's an old handle. I missed it.
I tried to reuse my name but I've messed up something and can't login anymore, just made a new one numbered
I went with a new one. Fresh start and all.
I got my IRL nickname here, no need to reuse my random Reddit name.
I was u/CanadaPlus101. Same thing for continuity, but I could drop the numbers.
I should put my old user in my profile.
My Reddit username was a really old one that I had switched from using a good number of years ago. So my KBin username is different, but it's the one I'm using on basically everything else.
Reddit doesn't really have the option to change your username IIRC so I am using the name I would have used on Reddit if it wasn't for my dumb teenage brain at the time :P
i slightly adjusted mine
new one. I don't like any consistent data to tie things together. When I talk about myself I regularly will change details or I will use conistant details that are not quite right. Like my birday. 01/23/1987 although I have used 01/23/1942 but that makes me a bit to old to be believable so I changed it.
Same one cuz lazy
This is a new name. Mine was pretty cringe as I made that 13 years ago as a dumb teen lmao.
New name. Seemed time for a change/simplification.
I made a new one. I keep my Reddit one semi anonymous but I’m gonna maybe be more ok with this one being associated with me.
Using the same name as my old Reddit. I'm loving the Fediverse so far! Seems more fun and less stressful than the Reddit front page.
Reused the name of my FFXIV character, along with a pointer to job. I've had a few names on Reddit, and lots all over the place. I've been using the internet a long time, and being exactly the same always would be boring.
Really? I find my online pseudonym/alias/nick has become a part of me. Sometimes I have to use a version of it, if it’s taken, but I’ve been Khab for ages, it’d feel weird to be called something else.
See, here's the thing. I've been using the name I use on reddit since LONG before reddit was a thing. So yes, it's the same name (well, one of two variants I use), but I don't think of it as my "reddit name."
I 100% used the same one.
I've had the same username everywhere I go ever since making my xbox live account for Halo 3.
I chose the username I wanted for Reddit because it was already taken over there
I use the same username on minecraft which was weirdly enough already in use in reddit. Now I can use it on lemmy.
I went with my alt username. My Reddit username was the first part of my gmail address because I was dumb 14 years ago (well, dumber, anyway) and didn’t know you couldn’t change it.
I used a much older name from AOL chatrooms. It's like getting into a comfy old jumper.