I like to operate portable, but I really don't like running a Windows computer from batteries. I couldn't find a lot of options for Raspberry Pi that fit what I wanted it to do. So I started writing a logging replacement that would run on a raspberry pi with the goals of:
- Running on terminal and through an SSH session
- Getting the currently tuned frequency from a 7300
- Save to a CSV file that can be easily converted to a Cabrillo file
- Separately store non-contacted stations (heard only or partial contacts) and display them when tuned to that frequency
- Check for and warn for duplicates per band
I made a lot of progress on this over the last year and it's working surprisingly well considering it's written almost entirely using bash. The main drawback using this vs N1MM is that there's no centralized database, so if I am working in a group we can't check for dups across all operators. But so far I've really only used it for small contests and POTA activations, so that hasn't been an issue. I might be operating solo this year anyway. The only thing that really needs more work is that I should probably do a pretty significant re-write of the CSV logic to make it less of a manual process to convert it to Cabrillo. But I like starting out with a CSV because it can be modified using any spreadsheet program.
I'm curious what weird projects other people have taken on because you didn't like the options that were available?
Also if you know of logging software that fits my requirements and was written by someone who actually knows how to code, please feel free to share :)