Or just live together without getting your official government approval certificate
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Probably because bc let's you marry who you want instead of an obligation due to being too aroused one time.
Could have done this much cheaper with a dog.
You can't fuck a dog though
Not with that attitude
I also love marriage. I could chuck my wife off a bridge some days, and at times she admits she deserves it, but 95% of the time we are having a wonderful time. 9 years married, 14 years together. Apparently a lot of people marry women they don't get along with and then wonder why their marriage sucks. Or have kids to "bring them closer together".
Oh those poor kids. That worries me a heck of a lot more than someone who never even googled "how to relationship"
Glad it's worked well for the original OP.
I still remember reading in the book "Thinking Fast and Slow" and the research they presented on happiness. Apparently their data averaged out to: 1. baseline happiness when single, 2. big spike up in the first year of marriage, 3. Settles at a permanent level below the baseline (from when single).
The main problem is that making a happy marriage stay happy takes a lot of daily work. Thankfully my parents showed me how to do that, and more importantly my dad showed me how to make it fun.
A lot of couples stop dating after they get married, it seems they just want to go through a checklist
Your dad sounds wise. Knowledge like that still isn't widespread, and back then even less so. There are no role models teaching/showing/demonstrating this in real life or in media that I have come across.
Does that book mention that married women die earlier?
Which is patently untrue, on average married women live about 2 years longer than unmarried women
Well, that depends of which study you look at
Did they not love you before you got married? Only thing that changed for me was -ยฃ10k
I always find it weird how some people spend thousands just to announce "our relationship is the same, but now we told the government"
Think of it more as "this is the best excuse we are ever gonna have to throw a big party where we get to decide the guests, the food, etc etc"
Though I do think too many people spend a lot of money because they feel like they "are supposed to (have a big wedding)" and not because they actually want to
Hahaha, I've never needed an excuse! Mayhaps :p
F what you're "supposed to", really. And I'll freely tell any family member or friend that. Rudely if I need to. I've heard some of the dumbest stuff come from people just because of weird traditions.
Aww so sweet <3