Neither. Use yay
, because it sounds happy.
Arch Linux
The beloved lightweight distro
I'm using yay, because it was "the new thing", when I switched to Arch (and Arch-based systems)
But after that I've stopped comparing
Is there anything new, that is actually worth switching from yay?
Paru was at one point a rewrite of yay in Rust, and has since continued development as a pseudo parallel fork. It's good. Dunno if it's worth switching, you'd have to see if there's any specific features you might happen to want, but they're both fine
Thanks! :-)
Maybe there's builtin customizepkg or custom repo support in some helper?
I love typing 'yay kitty' on a new install
And now I must follow suit
+1 for happy tool
Switched to yay after yaourt was abandoned and never looked back.
Never used aura but paru is great specially if you also install bat for colored PKGBUILDs.
Makes reading them much easier. I never did before doing this.
I use pikaur just bc i like pokemon lmao