Did the Young Bucks seriously roll up in a fucking Cybertruck?
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I hope it was a rental lol
They tried to recall it, but not mine was a great line
Willow always makes me happy.
Absolutely love her.
forgot dynasty was on since ive been emotionally drained from finishing rebirth will buy it on fite tomorrow since i have to get aew plus again anyway (:
How did you like Rebirth?
it was amazing. i played the original back in 97 when i was about 16 but everything came back to me like i doesn't miss a beat. the characters honestly mean so much to me but especially aerith! it was 15 out of 10
Nice! I played the original FF I don't know how many hundreds of hours, but haven't gotten brave enough to get remake or rebirth
yaay! it's so good! βΊοΈ
I'm dying to play Rebirth but I don't have a PS5, so I'm waiting for the pc version. Trying to avoid spoilers has been a nightmare. I've lost count of how many times I've played through the original over the last quarter century across several platforms, and I've played through Remake/Intergrade 3 times.
Also, I still want a remake of FFVI (Pixel Remaster doesn't count).
i hope the pc version comes out soon!
id love an actual ffix remake with voice actors too (besides the fan made one)
Chuck better not join Trent! They'll never let him say shit on TV if he does!
No matter what happens I am not ready.
Was that a "Go home Jericho" chant?? LOL
And a 'please retire' one.
I kinda figured that might be a faster match since Julia is banged up
Fuck yeah Swerve!
BOOOOOOOOOΓOOOOOOOO the learning tree is stupid
What's the deal with Cole giving Wardlow the stink eye?
Wardlow just can't find a group that actually likes him :(
Wardlow will be out of the group within 2-3 weeks and then feuding with them. Guaranteed.
I want a Brodie vs Eddie rivalry now
Meat will be slapped.
Two junkyard dogs!
Officially caught up and ready for tonight's show! Can't wait!
5am, up, starting the show and have only had two things spoiled for me, lfg!! XD
lol, same. Jericho is making his entrance as I type this.
The chants during that match were stellar lmao
My girlfriend joked that the crowd must have practiced those chants because they were on point
Hate unites people for bad and for good lmao.
I loved Eddy getting so worked up he fell over his own feet
Not Kyle! He's just a boy that doesn't get enough sleep!
But Adam Cole isn't in a boot anymore!!!!
Walking tall!
LOL Fozzy sucks chant
Now it's Go home Jericho chant! Absolutely no mercy lol
Anyone else having frequent buffering on Triller? I bought from them instead of B/R because I always seem to have stutters on B/R, but Triller has been even worse.
It did towards the beginning of the PAC vs Okada match, but since then it's been okay
Jesus what a match
Also sorry Bryan you faked that seizure so I'm going to have doubts now
Yeah I'm not checking till I'm done the event but I'm not even gonna worry for now lol.
Jungle Boy is back!Β‘!!!
Absolutely amazing show. Was utterly shocked to see Perry return, but it makes complete sense in retrospect (and now, honestly, showing the All In footage makes a little more sense too). I'm not sure if I expected Swerve to win the big belt, but I'm glad he did; it was a great moment, and he deserves it.
Hey look at that, Mone making another useless appearance for no reason.
We get it, you're gonna fight each other, just like..do something lol.
Given how long it was between "rumor is Mercedes is in talks with AEW" to her actually being "All Elite", we'll probably get her first AEW match in 2025.
Followed by breaking a bone and being out a year (but seriously don't lol).
Max out here going nearly R-rated like Xavier Woods on the preshow lmao.
He's had that all built up over the past couple of months lol
AEW production is so bad, that Bryan/Osprey Knee vs Blade epic clash and they filmed the two guys' butts in mid-air. As WWE's camera work improves, AEW's flaws become more and more apparent.
I mean, zoom out a little bit, damn it!