Watching the Malcom Turnbul doco on ABC and it’s a real bitchfest. Barnaby Joyce called Malcom a shithead, and Malcolm has called Dutton a thug.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
I keep getting cheques in the mail from Medicare addressed to doctors who charged an out of pocket fee. The letter is addressed to me, the cheque isnt if that makes sense. This has only just started, but makes 0 sense that Im getting cheques addressed to the doctor right? Like, it aint my job to deliver shit to the doctor after they charged an out of pocket.
Is this some weird new thing Medicare are doing? I keep throwing them in the bin because its not addressed to me.
Not a scam, actually a relic from the origins of Medicare - Pay Doctor Via Claimant (PDVC). See Medicare asking one million patients to hand-deliver cheques to pay doctors - 2017 article.
Ridiculous that it still exists. If you bin it the specialist/Dr just has to wait 90 days to get directly paid by Medicare
then thats what they have to do. Cozzi livs. I charge a fee for delivery, aint doing that shit for free with diesel prices being what they are.
Well maybe it'll incentivise the practice to get with the times. Although I guess that once they to that it means patients will need to pay in full up front.
I think most practices still using PDVC do so to cater to patients who would struggle to front up the cash for the full amount (even just for the 24 hrs or whatever it takes before they get reimbursed) which is why I've only heard of it being used these days for more expensive treatments with higher Medicare rebate amounts.
If they can wear the 90 day delay in order to support these patients then good on them.
Medicare pays by cheque if the doctor provides you credit for the rebate, as a fraud control mechanism.
Medicare only allows electronic payments if the account is fully paid upfront (and then rebate claimed), or bulk billed.
I'll make tomorrow's thread because I'm awake.
I tried this recipe and it was quite good. I thought I could link it but I can't. Get a piece of bread and make an indent in it. Pour an egg in the indent and airfry for 5 mins on 200c. Pull it out and add cheese and bake for 1 to 2 minutes. You get something like this.
Here's their instructions but 10 minutes was way too long
Wow, I might have to try that though does it work with bread slices that are fairly thin?