Also what is going on with the link preview on this post?! There's nothing on the USMLR community in French about a sanitation campaign.
This has been my experience too, after requesting the admins at to create a community there it took varying amounts of time to be able to see it using all those methods from,, and I thinks it's just growing pains as more and more users are signing up and trying to create their communities.
My list would be:
- Gargoyle's Quest on Gameboy
- Batman: The Video Game on Gameboy
- The first Final Fantasy was pretty awesome
- Final Fantasy Adventure on Gameboy
- The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (I played on PS4)
- Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild
- God of War series
- Uncharted series
- Horizon series
I thought I might have been 4 digit, but I just checked and it's in the 61k range. Apparently ye olde /. is on mastodon now,
Well would you look at that?! I wondered what that setting was for. Thanks stranger.
Also, love the username you purple commuter!
My son bought TotK, but I haven't finished Horizon Call of the Mountain or Assassin's Creed Odyssey yet. And now there's Horizon Burning Shores, God of War Ragnarök to catch up on too!
I went from Slashdot to Fark to Digg to Reddit. Already found the Fediverse as after recent changes over on Twitter.
As my user bio says I dabble in guitar and watch rugby (US MLR, go SaberCats) and hockey (NHL). For reading it's mostly fantasy, with The Witcher and Discworld being my most recent books, but I also enjoy scifi. I tend to be more visual (ie TV and movies) due to ADHD though. Video games with a strong narrative are great. Games like the Horizon series (Zero Dawn, Forbidden West), Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Witcher, and Zelda Breath of the Wild.
Not on-topic, but I can't see any comments on some posts, like on this one, though I can see there are 8 comments as I type this. :/
Started off the day with a Nightmares on Wax radio on Youtube Music.
Mostly use Relay for Reddit Pro.
Is that a screenshot from There are over 30 posts over the last 3 weeks that are missing from About half of those posts were made by users on and, so those should all be present here. The other half are posted by users on and, but with comments from and Is the entire post discussion ignored here because the initial post was from a deferated server?