
joined 2 years ago
[–] millie 2 points 8 hours ago

The explanation is literally the sentence after you stopped quoting.

The Delaney Clause, enacted in 1960 as part of the Color Additives Amendment to the FD&C Act, prohibits FDA authorization of a food additive or color additive if it has been found to induce cancer in humans or animals.

They're prohibited from authorizing it as per the Delaney Clause because it causes cancer in rats. The FDA doesn't get to make decisions unilaterally, they have to follow guidelines. Because their guidelines say that color additives can't be authorized if they induce cancer in animals, they can no longer authorize the additive.

[–] millie 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I honestly don't understand the concept of it being "easier" to make music. Like, okay, instruments can take a little time to learn. But, like, can you not whistle? Sing? Hum?

Music, to me, largely makes itself. Refining and recording music, okay yeah that's kinda hard. Memorizing other people's music and learning to play it the way they do? Sure. Composing something you're really happy with? Fair.

But just.. making music? I can't think of anything easier or more natural. You just.. make sounds happen.

Like, do y'all not whistle little original tunes and write silly little songs to sing while you're wandering around going about your day? It isn't rocket science. It doesn't have to be for anyone else or be flawless. There's joy and beauty just in letting it out of you. It feels great.

Getting an AI to write and compose some shit for you will never feel like that. It's just screwing yourself out of the joy and catharsis of expression.

[–] millie 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I can't believe this needs to be said for some of the people commenting in this thread, but coming into a thread where someone mentions a trans woman's name and responding to that name by suggesting childishly transphobic insults based on that name is literally just you posting transphobia.

Anyway, all the best to the two of you, Peter. I'm glad you've found some joy in the mess that this world has been lately. I know it's weighed on you and I'm glad to hear some good news

[–] millie 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Have you tried Discord? I've met a ton of people on Discord servers or in games that have a focus on Discord, and we talk at length on a regular basis, both in text and in voice. Hell, sometimes I'll sit in a voice chat with them and talk about nothing in particular all day or literally just sleep in digital proximity.

Instagram or any social media with DMs is probably shit for chat because it's literally not intended as a chat client. That's a function that's tacked on as an afterthought and usually pretty poorly.

Something like Discord, Element, or IRC is probably a way better bet. It's the same as trying to hold a conversation over email or Livejournal in the late 90s or early 00s rather than using an AIM, ICQ, YIM, or MSN client. Or like, IRC or even Palace or just some small web-based Java chat. You're just kind of doing it wrong, I think.

[–] millie 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It makes no sense that they let this happen. Why just go along with it? Why not even try to use the power of the sitting Democratic administration to stop it? Why not push the trial to occur? Why not actually give a sentence with the charges against him?

There are so many things that could have been done differently. I've heard some people saying the Democrats wanted him in office, but I don't buy that. If that's what they wanted, they could have just done all the shit he's saying he's going to do himself.

I want to think it's some kind of long con to dismantle the Republican party or to innoculate us against authoritarianism as a society, but that doesn't really fit with his track record from the last time around.

I keep waiting for some last minute shit to happen and it keeps not happening. The Democrats didn't even try to argue that electoral votes for an insurrectionist were invalid. And now all these companies are rolling over to ditch any semblance of striving for equity before he even gets in the door. Not that I thought they were doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, but shit.

I've been meaning to get a passport but the funding for the nonprofit I work for is looking dicey for the next year so I'm afraid to spend any more than I absolutely have to in case I need it for rent. Even if I did go to Canada, do I really want to do that if he's just going to invade it anyway? At least now I'm in one of the somewhat safer states. I'd considered going to Europe, but what happens when I sell my car to get there and then war breaks out or my visa flops and I have to go back? At least now I'm mobile.

Something has to give. At least in WWII there was this alliance of liberal democracies and communist states to fight against it. What happens when all of them are just.. absorbed by it? Europe doesn't have the force projection to do much of anything even if they had the firepower and the political backing. I suppose there's still hope for the US military refusing to obey unlawful orders and defending the Constitution, but that isn't exactly the most ideal situation either.

I suppose civilian institutions might resist the worst of it? State governments? Even the more hopeful scenarios don't look great right now.

This is not where I thought we'd be a couple of years ago. I saw the first Trump term coming when the DNC put their foot on the scale for Hilary. I did not see this.

While we're here, anybody notice that all those Democratic vote spoiling accounts literally disappeared into the aether the minute the election was over?

[–] millie 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I live on this wet little ball of rock that not only gets its heat directly from a sun, but like half of my food harvests the radiation for its energy! And the other half gets its energy from that stuff!

[–] millie 1 points 4 days ago

Is that a thing? That's what used to happen with SubredditDrama like 15 years ago. I wonder if it's the same people.

[–] millie 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

The truly unreasonable part of this is how horrible your screencaps are. How do you even get screencaps to be that low res? Did you scale them way down?

[–] millie 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What the fuck? How is this legal to begin with?

[–] millie 1 points 1 week ago

The title gore of these headlines is a bit silly. I get that Amnesty International uses colons in its headlines, but burying the fact that it's Amnesty International saying these things just makes it look like the group they're talking about is the one saying it.

[–] millie 5 points 1 week ago

Eighty years ago a generation came together across 51 countries to fight fascism and put an end to a genocidal regime bent on conquering as much territory as it possibly could.

And then their children handed it all over without a fight over the next several decades in exchange for some trinkets and the promise of carrying their social and economic power to their deathbeds. What a fucking waste.

[–] millie 2 points 1 week ago

Thank goodness Boint Boint is here to explain.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by millie to c/politics

With each one of Trump's announced appointments, it looks like the situation in the Federal government is getting worse. Even before the gutting of our Federal agencies occurs, we're still dealing with the court system stripping away sound policies both at the highest levels and in backward districts, often seeming to come down to a decision by a single judge in Texas.

So what can we do in states that actually want to make things better to either work on our own or even begin to pull away from the decision making of the backward parts of our country that keep making these decisions for us? How can we act without their input? How can we pull back the money that blue states that are doing well funnel into red states that could scarcely afford paved roads without our tax dollars? Is pulling out of the US or creating a smaller state-to-state coalition to consolidate our collective financial power reasonable or possible?

In Massachusetts we have a ballot initiative process, but it takes years to get it together to get a question on a ballot, and by then we're likely to be much further down this road.

What can we do today? How do we petition our representatives to pull us out of this absolute mess as much as possible? How do we maintain the protections, freedoms, and quality of life that our own local and state governments and the voters that put them into power have signaled their desire to secure in the face of a Federal government where RFK decides the health care policy and Elon Musk literally gets his own meme department?


Using the formulas from corollary 1 of Aronow and Green [2013], we find that untreated compliers have an implied turnout rate of 66.88%, whereas treated compliers have an implied turnout rate of 78.48%. Given the high base rate of voting among compliers in this study, it is interesting that friend-to-friend appeals elevated turnout so profoundly.

The results of this study suggest that simply talking to your friends, even just through a text message, is far more likely to get them to go out and vote than organized but impersonal voter mobilization. If you want to secure the outcome of the election, text or call your friends about it, especially your friends in swing states. Moreover, encourage them to do the same. If a text will increase their voter participation, it'll probably also get a decent number of them to send a similar text themselves.

Gloom and doom is not going to win the election. Endless panicked articles are not going to win the election. People going out and voting will, and you, person reading this, have the power to get more people to go vote.

It will do more than a century of posting on Lemmy would.


In the past few weeks I feel like I've seen a lot more conservative comments being posted on Beehaw. Where before it seemed like occasionally some dazed right-winger would wander through now and then, it now seems a bit more like they specifically show up to any thread that brushes up against one of their pet issues.

The most recent example I've noticed is around the stuff with the Ladybird devs being weird about being asked to use inclusive pronouns, but it seems like a pattern.

Has anyone else noticed this? Any thoughts on a course of action other than blocking them all individually or reporting particularly grievous examples?

I really would be disappointed to see every single thread here slowly inundated with pettiness and hate.


For years I was using Drupe, but they've thoroughly enshittified. What used to be a sleek, extremely functional dialer app with a fantastic UI has become a slow, ad-filled sack of garbage with a still pretty good UI.

A few months back I had enough and I switched to FOSS Dialer. The biggest thing on my radar was looking for something that isn't prone to being turned to adware garbage for a quick quarterly profit, so it seemed like a good fit.

But in the past few months I've probably made more accidental calls in a single week than in the years that I used Drupe. It's super obnoxious. Click once, and I call some random person. When I open my phone it literally just starts at the top of my contact list.

Drupe was great because I could arrange which frequent numbers I wanted to use in which order along the left side of my screen and calling or texting just required me to drag it over to a spot on the right side of my screen. I could call people without looking at my phone, I hardly ever called the wrong number or accidentally dialed someone, and it was really comfortable and easy to use. If it hadn't turned to a bloated piece of crap I'd have used it forever.

So my question: is there anything more along the lines of Drupe in terms of UI that is at least not at the moment packed full of ads, slow as hell, and collecting all sorts of data? I've kinda had it up to here with FOSS Dialer.


I've been looking more seriously at making a permanent switch to Linux, as I don't plan to ever upgrade to Windows 11. I'm currently running a dual-boot with Ubuntu Studio, and I've been trying to piece together everything I need to move my regular usage over.

I think I've got enough of a grasp of Jack at this point to replace Voicemeeter, which was one of my big hurdles. The next, though, is Discord's incomplete functionality.

For those who don't know, audio doesn't stream with screen sharing over discord on Linux. I do a lot of streaming with friends, so we kind of need this functionality.

I know it's possible to run a discord client on Linux that fixes this problem, but given that it's technically against the ToS, I don't really want to risk my account. I have a bunch of stuff set up for game servers, including all sorts of webhooks and ticket tool configurations and the like, so it isn't really worth risking.

I know there are some VLC plugins I can use to stream video files, but that doesn't help if I'm trying to stream a game or my DAW.

Has anyone found solutions that work for them? The easier for the person I'm streaming to, the better.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by millie to c/technology

Archive Link:

This is fascinating. I've certainly seen AI hallucinating things like imaginary functions in gdscript. Admittedly, it does it a lot more with gpt3 than with gpt4 on a subscription, which is consistent with what 3 vs 4 has access to, but I'm sure the problems apply in a lot of other use cases that might have not had the benefit of more recent documentation.

I suppose it's not surprising that a number of larger entities have been falling prey to this, as they keep trying to inappropriately jam AI into their production lines where it's incapable of doing the job. Pretty clever vulnerability to find, though.

Ultimately, this is probably a good thing for human coders, imo. The more LLMs demonstrate that they're not effective without robust human intervention, the better.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by millie to c/music

I love this thing. Pick a key, it shows you where the scale is. One octave or whole fretboard, with notes or without. This makes learning scales and just picking a scale and composing in it so much easier!

submitted 1 year ago by millie to c/music

A couple of months ago I started looking at composing some music for a game I'm working on. I started fiddling around with DAWs with just mouse and keyboard and a few weeks later I picked up a little 2 octave MIDI-keyboard to make it a little easier. That lead to diving into music theory, which made me want to pick up a bass.

A few weeks later and a couple of cheapo guitars, and I feel like I've found an essential part of myself. I could literally sit here playing bass until my arms go numb. I don't even have my audio interface or an amp yet, I'm literally just playing it dry, and I'm absolutely in love. I can't wait for my interface to get here so I can start putting down just like, some bass lines and some simple power chords with some distortion.

It's incredible how cheap it is to pick up a couple of instruments now and just dive right into music. With all the stuff on various instruments and music theory out there, why not? Nobody's going to gasp in awe at the quality of my pair of Glarrys, but it's plenty to get my fingers moving and let the music find its way out.

Anyway, that's really all. I'm in love with bass and with how accessible music is. I kind of want to try violin. Or like, maybe a shamisen. I feel like instruments used to be so prohibitively expensive, even on the beginner end, and that seems to be much less the case now. Like, it also certainly seems like you could easily spend as much money as you might feel like spending on music stuff, but I actually feel like I can pick some different stuff up and try things without like selling my organs.

While we're here, any recommendations for resources on getting further into music theory or composition? There's so much out there, I'm sure there's some great stuff I haven't even brushed up against yet!


I was trying to do a memory test to see how far back 3.5 could recall information from previous prompts, but it really doesn't seem to like making pseudorandom seeds. 😆

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