
joined 1 year ago

I deleted my instance and want to use my domain for something else. However, traffic keeps getting pushed to my server. Is there a way to stop this?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I only see this comment when I'm actively putting the link of your comment in the search on my instance.

I saw your comment via my alt on

This looks like a serious issue!



I have an Apple TV and a HomePod. They seem to fight over the right to be the hub.

I had my Apple TV first, it has always been my "main hub". I added a HomePod to my home in the beginning of this year. However, since about a month or so, they seem to battle over the right to be the hub.

According to the iPhone/homekit view, one hub is connected, the other can't connect (however I can interact with both of them via my phone).

Whenever the HomePod "wins", all accessories become unavailable (think: hue lights etc). Only solution then is to reboot my Apple TV. After that, the HomePod shows as "unavailable", but at least everything works in my home.

How can I solve this?

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

More interested in the other 3 days challenge 😂💩

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Is there a discount if I buy 3 seats? I got a couple of people that need to check the inside of a volcano.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Belgium: yes! We drink tap water. Straight from the tap. Hardness varies from city to city. At my home I have a filter to make the water softer. That helps the taste but also keeps all faucets etc running.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

All of the others forgot to mention one thing. Currently there is a bug to subscribe to a community.

So if there is no button in the sidebar, that is because the bug.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Y’all are the best!

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

On I think never, or not in the foreseeable future.

Workaround: create an alt on an other instance (eg., create the community and invite your main as a moderator. Solved.

I did a write-up about it here:

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I love Mlem and use it almost all the time. I’m missing if I have a notification (but that for sure is in the pipeline) but I miss one more thing: saving pictures on my phone. For these things I switch to the safari version.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That would solve a large part. If it would function as an actual alt, you could also “federate” the communities all the alts are following. That would make it so much easier if an instance would stop. One could just start using an alt as a main.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I had no idea it even had a name. I'm learning a lot these days! Thnx!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Does this work? I don't think that is possible. Also, the community making is not that big of a deal (see my post), it is more of a general idea that I have...

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Agreed. But is it something we should be thinking about, or is the general feeling: "infamousbelgian, you are so badly overthinking right now..."


Hi, my train of thoughts started with my "home" instance disabling the creation of communities. I did write this already somewhere as a comment, but I think it deserves its own topic ;)

TLDR; I have 2 big questions: do admins have too much power? Should an account be easily transferrable to another instance?

To be clear: I have no problems with that decision. I understand it. What I am writing here is a theoretical issue.

Let me explain:

So, the current problem is not being able to create a community on, so on Lemmy in general, for all member. The solution is easy. Create and alt account on another platform, create the community, make my prime account the mod et voila, problem solved.

However, my “problem” is theoretical. I joined “per accident”. I did not pick it for a specific reason, I just stumbled on it (being a Reddit refugee) and selected this instance. (I know now that this instance will always “do good” because it is run by the creators of Lemmy (I did not know this when joining) - so my issues will probably always be theoretical FOR ME, but hear me out. ). If someone would join another instance, and that instance would suddenly stop providing essential services of Lemmy (let’s say, commenting, participating, cross posting or any other feature) OR if the instance would stop alltogether, you kinda loose everything. Yes, you can create an alt, but your post/comment history belongs to the other, severely limited in features, account - or the account is lost forever. I think, from a theoretical standpoint, I would feel better if I was able to “move” my main account to another instance. Not sure how this would technically work (federating accounts might be a huge GDPR / privacy nightmare), but it would give me some peace of mind knowing that I can’t be… euh… fucked over by an instance admin.

I know you can run your own instance to circumvent these issues. I am considering it since my account is stil fairly new, but it seems like a tedious thing, both in technical knowledge as in financial terms. And with the federation/discovery thingy that is around on a not-well-used instance, this is even more difficult.

My 2 cents. Not sure if I’m missing something and/or if someone agrees/disagrees with me?


I’m wondering, what resources does Lemmy need? For a small instance (let’s say, me and some friends) or a large instance (think or or the like…).

Also, where do y’all host your instances?

(posted here after I got directed to this community when I asked it in ! )


I'm wondering, what resources does Lemmy need? For a small instance (let's say, me and some friends) or a large instance (think or or the like...).

Also, where do y'all host your instances?


Short question from someone living in the EU. How is the US currently dealing with the aftermath of Roe vs Wade?


So, I’m kinda new to this Lemmy thingy and the fediverse. I like the fediverse from a technological standpoint. However, I think that, if we gain more and more traction, Lemmy (and by extend the entire fediverse) is a GDPR clusterfuck waiting to happen. With big and expensive repercussions…

Why? Well, according to GDPR, all personal data from EU users must remain in the EU. And personal data goes really far. Even an IP-address is personal data. An e-mail address is personal data. I don’t think there is jurisprudence regarding usernames, so that might be up for discussion.

Since the entire goal of the fediverse is “transporting” all data to all servers inside the ActivityPub/fediverse world, the data of a EU member will be transported all over the place. Resulting in a giant GDPR breach. And I have no idea who will be held responsible… The people hosting an instance? The developers of Lemmy? The developers of ActivityPub?

Large corporations are getting hefty fines for GDPR breaches. And since Lemmy is growing, Lemmy might be “in the spotlights” in the upcoming years.

I don’t like GDPR, and I’m all for the technological setup of the fediverse. However, I definitely can see a “competitor” (that is currently very large but loosing ground quickly) having a clear eye out to eliminate the competition…

What do y’all thing about this?


I created a post (see it here). I want to include a picture gallery. Reddit refugee, so no idea how to do it. I went to Imgur and uploaded via there. Is there a better way?

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