Money isn't worth anything until you spend it
I do, it's in a box on the attic!
No way it still works 🤣
Could we post a ton of GIFs and just pronounce it GIF?
I bought a Sega game gear (handheld console of the 90s) when I got my first job.
Now in my 40s I get the things I wasn't allowed when I was younger and they're usually gadgets or food related.
I have all the cool tech I need. I have takeaway too often and it always cheers me up, I have snacks and no one yells at me for using too much ketchup.
I love being an adult.
Sadly the simplest and most boring explanation is that with so many star systems, some of them look like this some of the time.
Still, worth double checking for aliens when you see something odd
There's often a tradeoff between what's fun and what's healthy!
Ah, of course they would. That makes so much sense.
That's why it's called a whaleway station, that's how they're getting there.
Thanks for setting me straight
Where would whales get access to waterproof recording equipment?
It's insane to think they have some kind of deep sea electronics manufacturing capacity and I'm shocked you would even suggest something so ridiculous.
I guess the headline "majority of Tories opposing bill are not landlords" wouldn't have the same ring to it.
Get it out and over with...
Keep it secret it's twice the size when it gets loose. (Pardon my phrasing)
Why are we so surprised?
Companies are amoral entities (different from immoral entities) whose only purpose is to make profits.
That's it. In most countries it would be illegal for a company to not work to maximise the value for share holders, in order to try and prevent people from ripping off investors.
We are supposed to have other institutions to hold moral standards, companies will only address morality when it impacts on their first aim, profits.
People keep pointing it out like they're the first ones to notice this despite the fact it's been that way from the beginning.
In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve, they get the companies they deserve and until they do something about it, this will continue.
Seriously, more people need to watch "a bugs life". There's more of us than there is of them. It's on us to make it happen.
Truthfully, I don't need it and probably never did.
I got it because of your opening question, because I suddenly could because I had money for the first time.
I want a steam deck too and yet I have absolutely no use for it and it would go unused on the side of my table just like the portable mega drive emulator I got a while back.
Sometimes my inner child wants a new toy! Sometimes I get it for them, sometimes I don't.