Bopping to my own head tunes
Balancing on one leg in different ways
Bopping to my own head tunes
Balancing on one leg in different ways
I'll be very thoughtful about avoiding EA games.
Five Nights at Freddy's
I was hit on my bike while heading to college. Simply crossing a crosswalk with a stop sign and someone decided they didn't feel like stopping while I was already crossing. I now live with back pain. Drivers can't be trusted to follow traffic signs.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is good. I still gotta finish it, but I've enjoyed it so far.
I'm mixed. Some people take things too far such as getting offended at gender neutral pronouns or getting angry when someone misgenders by mistake. I've seen some people tiptoeing around me out of fear that I'll rage on them if they accidentally use the wrong pronoun and it's honestly sad. People shouldn't have to fear retribution for a mistake.
I'm honestly terrified to show who I am outside of my home too unless I'm at a convention that's open to it. Right wings are getting scary and I'm in Ohio.
I'm otherwise okay with showing some pride within certain areas. I just feel like I should be more reserved about it.