
joined 1 year ago
[–] 29 points 2 weeks ago

Dank memes can't melt steel beams.

7/11 was a part time job.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Oh yeah? Well two can play at that game. I was absolutely melting down over the horrible "He gets us" commercials. So... There!

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Closer, but also, everyone was sick of the Republican bullshit as Bush was on his way out and the economy was collapsing. McCain had a really hard sell.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I would love to see fish ladders implemented all the way up into Canada. I know it will be a challenge to build past the Grand Coulee dam because it's such a big structure. But it's sure worth a push to help restore salmon to the habitats.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Oh friend, what a ride you've been on. I grew up LCMS, and so lemme just say thanks for not doing that to your kids. I noticed what you said about immigrants trying to assimilate in LCMS as well. Particularly when I would visit family in the Midwest, there was a Chinese buffet that we would always visit, and my anti-immigrant (in general) family would proudly say how he went to their church, that the church wrote on his behalf to help get him citizenship, etc. I saw that less in my own community, but LCMS is not the biggest fish in that pond. Baptist is. I'm sorry you had that experience. Bad theology hurts people, and I'm glad you're making it out on the other side.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I can appreciate that approach. But the biggest problems I have are when they nest in the railing of my little wooden deck. Every year it's the same fight. So I'm a little leery of using fire.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Lol, not while I'm holding the bottle.

But seriously, where are the drones made specifically to spray stuff on wasp nests? I wouldn't feel the need to use the foaming, bad stuff that hurts the bees if I could try a robot applying something like this. Or at least if it sprayed foam, it could be in significantly smaller amounts, much closer the the nest of trouble.

Ah yes, the world wide webiverse. The net. Dialed in. Where you've got mail!

Haha, yeah, I don't agree, but I also really like Dave Rintoul as Darcy... From the old adaptation. So there's my unpopular opinion. Matthew McFayden will always primarily be the stressed son from "Death at a Funeral" for me.

I had a young woman, maybe 17 last semester, turn in a paper --it was a 12 page research/argumentative paper about why gender complementarianism (ie woman and men have different, distinct roles with men at the top). She's a good student, a good writer, but literally she's heard this set of morals from the pulpit her whole life... So like... Yeah. I read another young man's paper where his takeaway from 12 Years a Slave was "wow, not all slave owners were abusive monsters--some were pretty kind and treated their slaves like family." The kids are as alright as the rest of us are.

Maybe we could just... Not let Alabama participate in elections it won't prepare for?

Ugh, it's a bad idea, we don't need to disenfranchise people for the states' mistake. But ugh, would I like to have Alabama's version of "present" not count towards the next bimbo peddling hamberders.

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