well at least we know he can bleed red..
no one is going to know unless you tell them. there are worse things to be called.
minors do not get surgery wtf people.
when it can write out pi in a pule we will know peeps. we will know.
my food budget when down to 200$ from 400, fast food is so expensive i stop going. I am growing my own food now and its taking off. screw the man.
nice now the all the cartels will start wheeling and dealing cpus and evs woo woo..
HI EMMA! 90's/80's kid to who likes linux. sadly i am in Florida. we can be online buddies though. I will see if i can get mbin.
vote and revolt peeps. i dunno what else to tell you. don't stand for this bull shit.
things where done K no body was spared.
Another budding dictator waiting to spring. 90% taxes on the rich people, put that back in their place. The people make the rules and no one is above them.
so fucking bad i thought it was Tuesday.
who avoids hoarding? we are saving it for the future.