Topology would disagree.
Never played pikmin. I only heard of it as of a couple years ago so it was on my radar and I'm currently playing through the demo and it's more fun than I expected. I might just get a copy when its out.
I just started getting into watching "the Trevor Moore show" right before he passed. Felt like wkuk natural progression from wkuk for him and Sam. I was so sad when I heard the news.
Sad to see that this sub isn't gaining traction. I really was hoping to have game threads off reddit. 😓
There is the same number of even numbers as there are even and odd numbers.
You can keep trying to use it. Much like duplicate sub's on reddit if onegetts more traction, it "wins" and the other one is just an there. I just like the idea of an instance entirely focused on baseball.
Consider using as fanaticus is trying to start a full mlb instance
Thanks for starting this. I was missing the post game threads today. I'm hoping that this catches on.
Yeah that's how I felt. It just feels gross.
This morning I deleted all my posts, comments, and accounts on the aliensite. 4 accounts total, and over 10 years of data. I hope others will do the same. At least for the sake of the app devs. They deserve better.
Try not to forget about that fried start