
joined 1 year ago

Looking to set up a basic static website. What domain registrar should I go with? Would prefer something that has more privacy obviously. Any recommendations on hosting services (cannot host on own hardware right now)?

I would need something that has reasonable security, can work with LetsEncrypt SSL certs, and preferably has either privacy respecting analytics or no analytics. Don't want google to bother me or my website visitors.

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 3 points 1 year ago

This looks fantastic. Thanks for the link!


Are there any robot vacuums/mops that respect privacy; that don't map your house and phone home with the information?

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Aw darn it. I was just about to switch to them too... Unless they get bought by an idealist buyer, they are just gonna get gobbled up by the big 3...


Title. Still haven't figured that one out. On mobile

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

It seems meta wants "off the record" meetings with instance admins, such as Fosstodon https://fosstodon.org/@kev/110592625692688836

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 5 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure its a good idea to recommend in privacy guides if it is a security issue or it breaks things...

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 2 points 1 year ago

Halo, BOTW, eventually TOTK.

Gotta enjoy my life before university starts again...

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well, he has often had high paying jobs outside YouTube. He started his YouTube channel as an incidental thing. He's not really super reliant on it due to his abilities and resume. I am hopeful he won't jump the shark

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That's not how it works, actually. Its more sophisticated. The point is to provide easy access to options for a user that doesn't want to root through the guts of a system

And no, it is more robust than that. This tool doesn't lead to breakage. IT admins use this tool.

And finally, your last suggestions are beyond the ability of the average user

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You can get an executable if you prefer. And the code is on github so you can implement what you like

I do recognize your point about weblinks. But, you can trace what this weblink is going to do, since the code is open source. Nothing has to surprise you

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Trust me you don't know the half of it. As far as windows goes, it will be bleed your eyeballs off for how good it is.

Plus, and this is a big thing, you can restore your settings if you nuke something you didn't want. This tool won't bork the system

Oh yeah it is open source too, of course


Just wanna take a moment to let people know about a very, very good and reputable tool for privacy and windows. I personally think it should be recommended on the main Privacy Guides site if you use windows. This is not a substitute for using Linux, however.

Linux is better, but if you have to use Windows, the Chris Titus Tech tool is quite easy to use, extremely powerful, and has been actively developed for a long time. You can set power-user privacy options easily, massively debloat your windows installation, install programs, and easily set your update settings to security only, if that is what you want.


Just wondering about the communty's and mod's thoughts (like Jonah). I've used the tool for a long time and I am always impressed with it, especially as it comes from somebody who has a sterling reputation on computer and Linux know-how

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

I vote we use this as the new official word. Corgies are very corgial, so it just works :)

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

I dunno. I realize the intent behind downvotes, but on reddit this led to dog piling. And regardless of whether you were "right" or not, if the first 1 or 2 down votes, by pure chance, didn't like you, your post/comment was basically nuked to the phantom realm.

If it's that bad, just report it. If its not worth reporting, its not worth the dog piling either

[–] unfazedbeaver@lemmy.one 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That all true. The idea isn't to remove yourself from the internet. Once you post to the internet, it's there forever. No, what I am proposing is to hurt reddits chances of being a viable first party resource to train AI.

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