
joined 8 months ago
[–] 6 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

The WaPo was establishment propaganda even before JeffyB bought them, so really all that's happening now is that he's saying the quiet part out loud.

[–] 13 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

The implication seems like, “we all talk to each other and if you lie to me you lose all of your accounts”.

Well uh, yes, in some cases, that's exactly the correct interpretation.

A lot of tracker admins DO talk to each other, because this is a fairly small world, and yeah, nobody wants a shithead around so they'll definitely let other people know who their shitheads are so they can be handled before they become a problem.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, imo.

Harry Potter and the American Actors trying to pretend to have British accents, Part 1.

There is no bubble says man floating in midair encased in a bubble.

I'm curious: how are they ending up in Canada?

The article clearly kinda half-speculates that it's because anyone can walk to a store and buy a gun if they pass the NICS check, which is effectively true, but then.... US citizens are smuggling them? Canadian citizens are taking possession as it was a straw purchase? They're growing wings and migrating north?

Mismatch is trying to kill her brothers, who are tolerating it much like any brother anywhere tolerates their little sister being a pain.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Uh, question: how could a sensor on a wind turbine track submarines?

I'm not entirely sure but aren't wind turbines generally up in the air, and submarines deep under water?

It's a slightly more performant GPU with a worse CPU than a Z1. (Zen3 vs Zen4, 680M vs 740M)

But we're talking very slightly better GPU performance, so calling it essentially equivalent for gaming is probably perfectly reasonable.

Except, of course, you can find the Z1 Ally for $250 at BestBuy damn near any day of the week, soooooo uh, yeah that pricing huh.

I've had a very, very American week.

It's been shockingly cold (15-ish, but in Texas so that's a life-threatening emergency), but all the money I've put into repairs and replacements of house stuff has kept me from completely freezing, just a little frostbitten.

...At least, until tomorrow, when everything should thaw and I find out how many plumbing repairs are going to be required due to burst pipes/broken faucets/etc.

And my LGS got all of my new guns in as a single shipment which they didn't expect, so that happened a few weeks earlier than expected. Now to spend an infinite amount of money on ammo, accessories, and sundries.

I've also got all the chicken coop and planter beds lumber and assorted other hardware sitting in the back yard waiting for a time wherein I won't freeze to death to build them. Should be big enough for 4 hens, which means I fully expect to be a millionaire by July.

I need to get some potato and carrot and onion seeds (yes I know, potato seeds aren't really seeds) for the raised beds. I've decided I'm going to scale way back and just do some basic root vegetables instead of my more ambition leafy vegetables and fruits and herbs plan, because I just plain don't think I have room to grow enough of that to matter.

And I have my MSF course scheduled in two weeks, so assuming I don't completely flop, I'll be legally allowed to smear my entrails across the highway via an oopsie on a motorcycle.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh good, just what I always wanted: some techbros able to SSH into my bed and tell how horrible my sleep is.

Do love the exposed AWS creds though. That's some premium high-quality software engineering.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No joke.

I've gotten to the point where I just don't really play anything anymore because of it.

You go 'boy I'd like to see what new games are coming soon' and you immediately land in a cesspool of people throwing a fit that there's a black guy, or a trans girl, or a white chick that doesn't make their little peepee hard, as well as any other awful sexist, racist, ableist swill you can possibly imagine all over every inch of anything that remotely looks like gaming media or discussion forums.

I just kind of have quit looking, and just playing old games for the 2nd or 3rd time, despite the fact I would happily have bought anything that seems remotely fun a couple of years ago because I don't want to subject myself to those morons, end up playing games with them, or like, having anyone confuse me as being one of them as you said.

[–] 26 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Now now, they're not just inconsiderate assholes and leeches.

They're inconsiderate nazi oligarch assholes and leeches.


So, after like 8 months of dumbphone only, I've given up.

It wasn't one majorly annoying thing, but just a non-stop death by a thousand cuts. Modern life really requires at least possession of one of these stupid little rectangles, and if you don't have one, you get slowly nibbled to death by the ducks of modernity.

So, rather than redouble my efforts to bend the world to dealing with me wanting to be a bit of a luddite weirdo, I've given up and just..... bought an iPhone SE and paired it with an Apple Watch 8 I already had.

See, the thing I really didn't consider is that I pretty much already had the ideal dumbphone: this AW8 is a cellular version.

It does phone calls, text messages, and has sufficient ties to modern services (music, podcasts, audiobooks, maps, etc.) that it is, by itself, a 60% solution. And just for perfect clarity: there's a lot of things wrong with the watch that make it not an ideal device, with the biggest one being really not fantastic battery life.

For everything the watch doesn't do, I also have the phone, but the phone isn't strictly required, and I can simply leave it at home when I don't want to deal with all the modern smartness and just rely on the watch.

For sure, it's not a cheap solution since an iPhone and a cellular watch is a giant investment even if you go for the "cheapest" versions, and I'm paying for two cellular plans (though, with US Mobile it's $96/year for each so, relatively speaking, still pretty cheap).

Laptop for Linux use (

So I'm looking for a laptop, but before you downvote and move on, I've got a twist: I'm looking for a laptop with Linux support that's going to intentionally be console-only and rely on TUIs to make a lower-distraction device.

I was looking at older Thinkpads with 4:3 screens and the good keyboard before Lenovo went all chicklet with them, but I'm kinda concluding they're both way too expensive AND way too old to be a reasonable choice at this point.

A X220 or T40-whatever would be great and be the perfect aesthetic, but they're expensive, hard to find parts for, and using enough crusty old shit that this becomes yet another delve into retro computing and not one into practical, useful computing which is the goal here.

So, anyone have any recommendations of any devices in the last decade that have a reasonable keyboard, screen, use modern enough components that you can source new drives and RAM and batteries and such, and preferably aren't coated in a coating that's going to turn to sticky goo?

Thin(ner) and light(er) would be nice, but probably not a dealbreaker if the rest of the pieces align. This will be almost entirely used at a table for writing and such.


So I've got a home server that's having issues with services flapping and I'm trying to figure out what toolchain would be actually useful for telling me why it's happening, and not just when it happened.

Using UptimeKuma, and it's happy enough to tell me that it couldn't connect or a 503 happened or whatever, but that's kinda useless because the service is essentially immediately working by the time I get the notice.

What tooling would be a little more detailed in to the why, so I can determine the fault and fix it?

I'm not sure if it's the ISP, something in my networking configuration, something on the home server, a bad cable, or whatever because I see nothing in logs related to the application or the underlying host that would indicate anything even happened.

It's also not EVERY service on the server at once, but rather just one or two while the other pile doesn't alert.

In sort: it's annoying and I'm not really making headway for something that can do a better job at root-cause-ing what's going on.

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