Thanks for sharing!
I mean I'm all for taxing these customers, but for the millionth time, can we start by taxing the wealthy first?
Well that hasn't stopped them before. I'm not entirely sure where and when it was that their claimed loss was more than the entire global economy.
Now this is a nice and useful breakthrough.
If you needed additional proof that fines are just the cost of their business model, this is it.
I'm sure Google will treat every recipe equal and not promote only sites/creators that offer kickbacks /s
One of the worst shopping basket designs I have ever seen, was where they added additional items together with the thing you wanted, forcing you to remove the thing they added before paying.
That is a very good point I had not considered, thanks for pointing that out!
This is why I'm frustrated with the US and the EU, who are placing heavy penalty tariffs on Chinese EVs.
I use Blocky as my DNS server.
My contribution is katzenjammer, which is a word describing a really bad hangover (in the English language). I believe it is used a bit differently in the German language, but don't take my word for it.
Arcane, it's always a good intro.