Looks like a wolf spider. Pretty big and scary looking with their big mandibles, but actually very smart and mild mannered. Fast, with great vision, good at hunting.
I'm gonna agree with the other comments so far. They're just healthier things to distract you than you'd get with drugs or alcohol or self abuse. I'm going through a rough patch right now that is a little worse than my meds can level out for me. I'm going over to someone's house today and I'm looking forward to playing with their puppies. I'm expecting that will relax me for a bit, but tomorrow my situation isn't really changed. But it gets me through one day.
I feel this is one of those things that is the end of an era. The Price is Right with Bob Barker always reminds me of afternoons at my grandparents' house, and I'm sure it does for a lot of people in my age bracket. He also seemed to be a genuinely nice person. It was always good to hear her was still alive and doing things, and it helped keep that little slice of childhood alive.
Bio Char vs Charcoal: 6 Key Differences
Similar, but more refined process to achieve specific characteristics in the end product, like oil>kerosene>diesel>gasoline.
This article hints at a lot of interesting things, but doesn't really go into any of them. I've learned a lot trying to answer the comments here.
That's just because right now used coffee is trash and sand isn't. If you remember back when bio diesel started getting popular, all of a sudden people were stealing fryer oil from restaurants. If you see a smelly looking black dumpster behind a restaurant, that is the used fry oil.
I wish they had a bit about that in the article itself, but they did link another article about biochar creation and its byproducts. I linked it in another comment here.
I feel there's a lot of assumptions here that no one actually reads articles.
Nice work. I tried to thumbs down it, but it wanted a log in.
It's a shame someone can read articles from decent sources and still be so ignorant.
The article they link about pyrolysis is worth a read too. The main source of CO2 emissions from cement production is cooking down limestone into lime IIRC. I was curious how much energy is used to turn the biomass into the end product and what waste is generated. It's a bit too detailed for me to understand, but the process ends up with 15-25% biochar (the stuff they're promoting in this article), some potentially useful byproducts, and some regular combustion pollution.
I'm glad to see research into this. Sand for concrete is a specific type of sand (nice and bumpy so it likes to lock together like a jigsaw puzzle) and people get killed by what are basically sand cartels. This was the "legitimate" mob business in the last season of Barry.
Portland cement is about 2/5 sand, so we'll need to start drinking more coffee! I was glad to see they're testing other organic matter since coffee is very susceptible to climate change, ironically caused in a large part by cement production. Unless you believe the reader comment on the article begging people to realize climate change is a hoax...
To be fair, that policy has worked for numerous people through history! 😓
Doesn't have to this time though!
Agreed. If there's evidence you did something, there's only yourself to blame. I don't care if it's Trump, Hunter, the Sacklers, whoever. Own up to what you did. And if you're ok with someone hurting people or try to cover it up, you aren't really any better
They are rifle rounds. You can see the cartridge case necked down and the line where the case is crimped into the bullet.