
joined 1 year ago

Greetings, I am looking for a epub/pdf reader similar to Marvin 3, that I can connect to my calibre server. It appears my Marvin was offloaded and it is no longer available. Would prefer free of course but don’t mind paying for a good app…no subscription. Foss would be great. Any other suggestions are welcome.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

How about, instead of calling people bootlicker, we suggest the person reevaluate their position and give them a chance to adjust their perspective. People tend to entrench themselves in their opinion when attacked. There isn’t any excuse for a person to lose their freedom because another wants to “make a point”. Sorry not poking anyone deliberately, just the dozenth or so post I’ve read that has been aggressive rather than educational. Lemmy is supposed to be better, we can keep it better together. Have a good day

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I’m so torn on this. Huge fan of the original, but excited to see what they do with it. Hope it comes out good.


Every few years or so I run into something that triggers nostalgia with MUDs, I used to play Achaea, and Dark and Shattered Lands using Zmud client. It was fun, but re-entry is a lot of work with scripts and maps. Any that are still active (without being fully scripted)?

here's a quick top list if anyone is curious

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

If you want a community with training wheels and is open to general discussions, come say hi. Its a place where you can work past the fear of being downvoted or insulted. You are welcome here. 😀


Just stop by and say hi? I think we are all here for our fond memories of forums, BBSes and other small communities. And I have been seeing a lot of movement on the all feeds about “the site that shall not be named” (that is so much harder to type then Reddit), or how less or more toxic lemmy is (done this myself), even a thread on how older lemmy adopters are annoyed with how redditors are “changing” lemmy. A solid point was made that, if we like slower content or a less toxic environment, then these federated services are made to help you do that. So in that light I have been taking steps to help lemmy be more of what I envision it to be. A place with oodles of information and some small places with friendly avatars…yes I said oodles. Once again I welcome you, and offer this community as “our space”.


I had an ok day, did the work things, and made it home to the family. However, my wife’s car AC decided it had worked long enough and retired. It is very hot here right now. So being the husband I am (masochistic but suffer very LOUDLY) I swapped vehicles with her. It was a small thing and my drive is shorter. But for the love of whatever you hold dear, THE STATE. garbage in passenger floor, check. Unidentifiable sludge on carpets, seats, cup holders, and handles, check. I had to take a lunch break and get cleaners for my sanity. Don’t get me wrong, I throw things on the floor and spill stuff…but I clean it up…moderation in everything. So I get home and say hi, then with an air of superiority I showed her what I had done (all proud and chest puffed out) by saying go sit in your car. She of course said “No, it’s hot in there”. We proceeded to argue for 2 minutes (the nice kind. come on…why…cause I want to show you something….sigh…fine). She gets in the car and looks, for not a long time but long enough where in your head your like…OMG, and realizes I cleaned it. She smiled and got out, gave me a kiss and took my youngest to their back to back activities while I sit on my couch typing this comfortably to strangers. I love my wife, she is a better person then me…sometimes ;)

Tl;dr Say hi and read a blurb where I acted smug while my wife did the actually hard work. I love my wife.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

In my move over to lemmy I got nostalgic for how some older things were done, what you might be talking about are FAQs for specific topics like we had in the Usenet days. If this interests you, I have a new community started for collecting and creating those kinds of things. Not much there yet but I’ll grow it over time and would love for others to contribute.

And a shameless plug for my other community

Netscape navigator (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Saw a post that mentioned Netscape Navigator , blast from the past. I remember it being so cool.

wiki - Netscape Navigator




I'd like to make this flow a public document, as a visual aid to crowdsource putting pieces together for a community server.

the big pictures is a few projects, public and private and will hopefully allow others to follow and create their own as we go. I'd like to collaborate on what would be a solid system that a single or small group could put together and duplicate. Every aspect should be discussed, debated, and voted on. Best practices adapted and short comings pointed out. I'd like it to be open source and integrate together in some fashion. We can break into fine details over time. This is a long term hobby project, not an all in one weekend project.

I think the first items to discuss are

  1. Any Interest?
  2. How to host this Flow - currently on Github
  3. How to post the progress in segments so not a mega thread
  4. Which flow software would work the best and give all people on all devices the ability to view/edit - currently on

Items down the road

  • other Fediverse items to incorporate
  • Hardware to run it all
  • How to manage access so the community can all participate

Posting a link to this in as its probably in their wheel house as well

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (3 children)

how do we federate (connect) to peertube instances from lemmy? does it show up on our lemmy feeds?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing! If you’re going to take the plunge (I plan to in the future) feel free to start a post and update it with your adventures.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I'm sure someone will post the specifics of how to initiate a search and "link" your instances, I use a browser (mobile and PC) on the Lemmy site and click communities to see what's "connected/federated". In the interim as someone else also adjusting to the change, remember to give it time. Its a newer medium and most of us are just coming here flooding it. It will grow and improve and "connect".

I think we all have to get used to the withdrawal from being force fed SO much information and garbage that the fear of missing out and small quantities of content are creating cyclical anxiety. Am I doing this right? What am I missing? where is my content? Why is there not more content? Am I doing this right?...etc.

Good Luck, Welcome! and I'll save this message as well to come back and see if there has been a clear way described.


Put your community link below. Anything that is a group of people sharing information


Any tips or advice on a guide that walks new people through retro communities? Something along the lines of, what older systems are still in use, which are seeing a resurgence, or have been adapted to modern needs. I’d like to brainstorm a way to help people connect and create the feel of the older systems with the options available from the fediverse.

Where would you like us to go? This is a new community on a relatively new medium and your input/questions are appreciated.


Did you, run a BBS? Were you part of a close nit community? Remember the days of Phrack magazine, war-dialing and blue boxes? What about those awesome ansi art pictures? Tell us all about it! Share your stories and life lessons. This isn’t twitter so write a text wall if you want. But remember you are welcome here!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks for joining and posting! Yes this shake up with Reddit has led me to rekindle the old love for the rough edge of free networks. I’m excited to try all the “new” options and explore some of the older options modernized. Possibly start a new bbs as well but with modern options to old systems. I also ran a bbs back in the day with other locals and even a school sanctioned one, right around the time “freenets” we’re becoming a thing and e-mail/Usenet we’re just taking off. Not sure, for now I’m enjoying the exploration!


how I feel about these rule(s)

Join Peertube

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Adding another link if there is any interest


In the spirit of older small community sharing. If you’re uncertain, nervous, or curious about posting, just drop a reply in here. Doesn’t matter if it’s a hello world, test or an attempt to see formatting of text (maybe even ansi art). Just pop in and try it or leave your mark and go back to lurking. It’s all good stuff!


New to Lemmy, so i thought I'd jump all the way in. Been playing with some "old" BBSes and door games like tradewars to get some of that nostalgia feeling and wanted to share. If you were/are a sysop post it here so others can visit or ask questions like I will be to start the journey of reliving the early days of warez and digital communities.

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