looks interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
This entire video is gesturing hands in front of an apple computer. So fun!
Its sad that your perfectly logical and objective comment got downvoted. Thanks for speaking truth that people dont want to hear.
Plot twist: 4th period was the teacher's prep period. The teacher burned themself while trying to work out how to keep students from burning themselves.
Thanks for all your hard work! This server is awesome!
I have 0.0.52 on my phone from F-droid and it's still locked out. What version fixes the issue?
Hey, thumb-key is really cool! I've been using it for a bit and it has solved my issue of constantly fat-fingering wrong letters into what I'm trying to type on other keyboards. I just want to say thanks for developing it and keep up the good work!
Being a millennial, sitting in my parents house where I live reading this shit makes me want to just give up. I don't even feel like I want something outrageous. Just a little shoe box unit to call my own and I can't afford it even with a job that pays a decent wage. Man, fuck property investors.
Man, this is depressing. How could someone be convinced that this is an okay thing to do? I mean, even if there were boys competing, they're pre-pubescent 9 year olds. How much advantage could a boy have over a girl?
I'll check it out. Thanks!