joined 4 years ago
[–] 777@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What makes signal unsuitable? That’ll help spark some ideas.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

You mean to say we didn’t have these already? I just assumed we did honestly. Were we just buying time from commercial vendors?

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago

Yes, In the UK, I agree with the decision to not arm most police officers. Bringing a gun to a situation automatically escalates it as you cannot allow it to be taken from you if the suspect is unexpectedly strong or good at hand to hand combat, or if the officer is unexpectedly overpowered.

It's harder to advocate for that in countries such as the USA, with considerable amounts of weaponry on the streets. Of course, for people to give up their weaponry, they would need to believe that the police can keep them safe, so it does feel like a bit of a vicious cycle. However, I certainly would advocate for a society where the police is mostly disarmed. Given this is a USA-centric community, perhaps you have some ideas about how that starts?

Perhaps this hasn't made the news in your area, but we recently had a series of riots and civil unrest caused by far-right ideology, and the criminal justice system is right now busy locking up those involved - the majority were on the far-right side. The point of it appears to be to make examples of them. You can scroll this breaking news feed for a taste of what's been going on.

Of course, environmental campaigners have been just as harshly treated and the sentences are very long relative to the disruption.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Being from the UK I didn't automatically consider them to be armed, but sometimes that is unfortunately necessary if the situation is dangerous enough. Surely you will need armed men in your ideal society also - forces from the outside may attempt to subvert it, and if a crisis emerges, order may break down.

I didn't say prisons necessarily help people, and I agree with you that if anyone is reformed by prison, it's in spite of the system. I think of a prison as a way to protect the innocent from dangerous people, but in most cases I disagree with sending non-violent offenders there.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I'd be keen to imagine another way forward, so maybe that'll help me with some ideas, or at least understand the abolitionist viewpoint. I can see from skim-reading the preface that it attempts to answer many of my questions.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I wasn’t sure if I should introduce such an extreme example as serial killers to my argument and now I see why.

So perhaps let’s talk abstractly:

  1. Some people are disruptive whether temporarily or permanently
  2. In some cases, we might need to keep those people away from others.
  3. If so, you need a place to keep them and,
  4. Someone to take them there and,
  5. Someone to make sure they don’t leave.

And it’s true that you don’t need police to investigate missing people. You didn’t answer my question though- in your ideal society, if not a police force, who does that job?

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I agree that many crimes are only committed out of economic despair. Ideally, everybody has all the resources they need.

Are there not other reasons behind crimes?

For example, what do you do if a serial killer finds themselves in your society? Who would catch them and who would prosecute?

The police also handle other non-crime tasks such as finding missing people. Who would do that?

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago (3 children)

It may sound a little silly but when I get good feedback on something, I pop it in my journal under a specific tag so I can revisit it from time to time.

It’s unfortunate that people are unfair to you, possibly they are younger or otherwise have incorrect expectations about your fallibility as a human.

I used to respond to things like that but these days I let the positive comments speak for themselves. Just remember to ask for feedback- a lot of people otherwise won’t do it unless they’ve got something negative to say.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 21 points 1 month ago

It’s preposterous but when it (hopefully) gets thrown out it’ll set a precedent that’ll defang these arbitration clauses in some way.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 month ago

I’m reading this as a play to allow communities to have their own paid for areas and Reddit takes a cut in exchange for hosting this.

I recall a while back they were looking at a way to financially compensate major contributors and moderators, so possibly this idea is being revisited in a way.

Right now though, most people contribute to communities to share their knowledge or creativity and to connect with others- and monetisation might be there in the background but isn’t a first class feature of the platform. It makes business sense to make this play, even though it’ll make the site worse.

To conclude: Reddit becomes an only fans competitor. Calling it now.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My son is teething so it was a loud and not at all relaxing weekend. When we were able to convince him to sleep though it was great, caught up with the Olympics and caught up with some sleep. Such is the glamorous life of a new parent.

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 year ago

And no mention of what happens to their API but knowing google it either goes away entirely or totally changes with significant rework required.

Related, the reason I no longer use any google API: https://steve-yegge.medium.com/dear-google-cloud-your-deprecation-policy-is-killing-you-ee7525dc05dc

[–] 777@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Works in the playground, but not so much when they can start the worst conflict the planet has ever seen.


I was served this page just now, it appears to be for a moderator or admin as there are some extra tools in the toolbar. After reloading this it went away and I couldn't make it happen again.

Possibly there are some caching settings that need adjusting? Thinking of the admin team on this tough day with tons of traffic thank you for your hard work.

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