Patient Gamers

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A gaming sub free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.

founded 1 year ago

I guess this should be an appropriate community, participants possibly on the older side... so, I only recently got my first gamepad. played with keyboard and mouse up until then.

so, with a couple of games I tried (tomb raiders, uncharted, NFS, etc) it's kinda going but I suck at anything that needs fast responses, like aiming and hitting moving enemies; don't think I'd have any trouble with a mouse.

so I guess my question is - any old timers around that got good at this late in their gaming career?


Borderlands 4 has been announced for 2025. For a multitude of reasons, I'm more than happy to sit idly by and wait for a discounted game of the year edition or similar that includes the entirety of their dlc collection because you know there will be paid dlc. It's borderlands.


Finally got around to playing God of War (2018) on my PC after picking it up during a summer sale.


I played a bit of 1 and 2 back in the day but never fully completed either.

Story: 9.5/10

The story of Kratos struggling to be a father to his son is told very well. Seeing Atreus grow in skill and abilities with you as you progress is great to see and especially noticeable from the first major story battle to the last.

You see Kratos struggle to bond with Atreus a few times early on, but slowly get more comfortable as the story progresses.

The story telling feels very organic with a lot being told as you’re navigating between different areas of the map. Cut scenes play an important role but don’t happen too much.

My only knock is very slight in that I did lookup the previous games stories so that I fully understood the ramifications of some scenes. You can infer most things from the story alone but it isn’t fully impactful as a standalone game just as a heads up.

Playability 9.5/10

As someone who can’t always play super consistently the journal that Atreus keeps helps catch you up to things you forget and when looking at Kratos “special” attacks it’ll demonstrate the buttons you need to hit as well as visually show you what happens with the basic form of the attack which is helpful when you come back after a short break. Key Mapping of attacks on PC is also very good.

My small complaint is it won’t show you how upgraded forms of special attack play out. Also when loading a previous save it isn’t exactly where you previously left off but ends up being the last minor “checkpoint”.


I would have definitely paid full price for this game and enjoyed it so much I plan on buying the sequel almost immediately when it comes out in September unless there’s some major issues with the port.

Populus (1998) & "god games" (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Happened on this 1998 game by sheer chance and I'm really digging it! As far as I can tell it was never popular. It's a mixture of an RTS and a "god game" where one unit (your shaman) is very powerful & special (chess analogy: sort of like mixing the central role of the king & with the power of the queen).

Strong "tribal" vibes that were popular in the '90s (think Deep Forest music, the game Riven, etc). Very nostalgic for me as I was a kid at the time. I'm playing the PSX version, looks like the PC version was even better!

Has anyone ever heard of this "Populous" series? I'm curious to try other titles, and to try more in the "god game" genre (a genre I never even knew existed!). Any other "god games" worth checking out?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Just finished it on the pc having everything on high it looked so pretty. It was the perfect two weekend game about half as big as the first one introducing some more mechanics and leaning into stealth which became the most fun way for me to dispatch most the combat encounters.

It really only started falling apart at the end

spoilerAs usual with these games I'd done all the side missions with the aim of doing a ending run in one session. Map looked complete but no got to do one more for uncle Aaron.

The whole ending section of the game was just needlessly padded out from the museum section nice cameo though, to the final battle with the Tinkerer outstaying it's welcome after about the fifth time she yonks Miles into the air to the very end watching him crawl to the reactor for something that should have just been a cut scene.

Found Phins arc kinda meh all rushed at the end. Thought it would have been a lot better if she just trusted Miles and died trying to stop the reactor.

The game was a great noodle game I really like Miles as a character well worth it if you want a big game feel in a small package


I like it when games are short. But Edith Finch is too short, even for me. I got it for about $4, discounted. For this reason, I'm satisfied, but if I'd paid full price, I wouldn't be. It's not very replayable either.

Edith Finch is an exploration of the main character's family and the house they've lived in. As you play, you relive important fragments of the lives of these family members. Many of those memories have different gameplay mechanics or perspectives. Most are first-person "go here" missions, but there's an isometric one, another about flying a kite, etc. I don't want to say too much more to avoid spoiling too much of the game.

The whole game is very much an on rails thing. There isn't a lot of freedom to explore or to do things in different ways. Of course, this is a necessary aspect of the game. It probably wouldn't work otherwise. But it does make you wonder whether you're playing a game or watching a movie.

Comparing Edith Finch to a movie is not just criticism. It's also advice. If you're going to play this game, try to do it as you would watch a movie on the cinema. Get a 3-4 hour window of continuous free time, and play it till the end. I think you'll enjoy it more that way.

Most of what I've said is bad or neutral, but I think the game achieves what it sets out to do very well. I do recommend it.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I checked that Lemmy Explorer site and searched for "patientgamers" and this community don't show up.

Just the ones on and sh.itjustworks

I was just wondering how you all found this place. Are you all on

Does this community show up on any lemmy indexer?


Hey everyone,

We're coming up on a year anniversary (I think) of this community and I thought I'd do some giveaways to celebrate that.

It's semi-annoying that not all game stores have digital gift cards you can purchase so there are a few options here.

  1. Amazon digital gift card: for those of you who buy physical games
  2. Physical Steam gift card: the slowest option, as it requires me to leave my house and buy a stamp and mail something (the horror).
  3. Gifted game directly in Steam /

For the gifted games / gift cards it'll be capped at $30 -- after all, we're talking about old games here right? If you want a few games that total up to $30, that's cool too.

I'm going to pick two members at random from those who reply here as the winners.

Just comment with what option you prefer, and ideally tell us about what game you'd like to get (I'd prefer to limit the low-effort comments if we can. I like the discussions people have here so please do try to comment more than just "#1" ).

I'll sticky this post and will leave it open for 2 weeks (end of April is the deadline)

Thanks for keeping this community a cool place with good discussions!

UPDATE 4/30/24:

This contest is officially over!

The 2 randomly chosen winnders are:


I will be messaging you both individually to get your email addresses or steam/gog usernames so I can gift you your games!

Thanks again to everyone again for keeping this place going!


Super Metroid's color palette and lanky sprite were always a turn off for me. But I'm finally giving it a chance on SNES (MSU-1 version) & I'm really enjoying it!

Vibes are: Quake + the movie Alien + Nine Inch Nails' album The Downward Spiral. Pretty cool aesthetic after all!


Currently, I'm waiting for a sale that puts the base game and phantom liberty at around £25.
Am I being a bit silly?
Is it worth picking up the next time GOG do a sale for around £38?

Edit: I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has responded with useful information, and opinions on the game. I think I may treat myself next time the base game is £25 (and I have a weekend to play!)


In many games there are a lot of stupid filler items that you don't know what they do and they don't matter. (i.e. crafting ingredients). They are so ubiquitous across games that there ought to be a word for them. Sort of like a "MacGuffin" (except a MacGuffin moves the plot along, and these filler items don't).

Is there a name for these filler items? If not, got any ideas?


Resident Evil 7 I’ve had this game for a while and finally sat down to play it. The game was amazing from start to finish. It legit had scary moments in the game. There were times where my heart was pounding and I was physically stressed walking through the house. The antagonists were really cool as were the boss fights. Fighting the mom was a little annoying, but it wasn’t too bad. This game is like a 10/10.

Resident Evil 8 Right off the bat I have to say this game was more fun, but less frightening. It had a few moments in the first half of the game, but the second half became action packed. I preferred the inventory system of this game and how all the crafting material, key items, and treasures were in a separate inventory. Since ammo was abundant I found myself just rushing areas instead of sneaking through them. While I think this game is better is most regards, I give it a 9/10 as it lost some of the scary stuff that resident evil 7 had. But, if 7 didn’t exist I’d give this a 10/10.

With that being said, I’m just about to fight the final boss of 8. But I have to say that both of these games look amazing on the steam deck. It runs perfectly as well. These games have been so good, that I’ll buy resident evil 4 remake as soon as I finish 8.


Overall the game is OK, but it seems that the environment is kind of boring compared to Metroid Prime 1. But maybe it is just nostalgia. What are your thoughts?

If you agree, do you think they did a better job in Prime 3? I'll play that next.


I think the ammo for the beam weapons is a bit stressful. I just got them and am wondering if using an infinite ammo cheat will ruin the experience or if it will make the game more enjoyable.

Maybe I will get ammo upgrades and it won’t matter.

What is your opinion on the matter? I don’t mind being stressed if it makes the game more fun overall.


I decided to play through some of the 3d Zelda games as it’s been years and years.

First, I played through majoras mask as I have not played that since I was a kid when I last played it. I didn’t like it then and I absolutely hated it this time, too. I actually just stopped playing once I got to the moon.

After that I played, ocarina of time. I spent countless hours with this game as a kid and I enjoyed playing it again. I how much I remembered from this game. It’s pretty great and I think it holds up today. I played the ship of harkinian version of it.

I played a bit of link between worlds, the 3ds one and it was OK, but I found some of the puzzles to be a bit too confusing and I got a little frustrated with it once I made it to the dark world. I don’t plan to finish that game. I loved link to the past, but this one was just OK to me.

Before I decided to play these games again, I started with twilight princess. I got past the first temple and made it to kakiriko village. I got busy and put it down, I may pick it back up, but I’m in no rush.

The real reason I wanted to write is… Wind Waker! This game is amazing! I’ve played it on GameCube and the HD version. I forgot how much charm this game has. I used to say that OOT was the best, but I’ve completely flipped. I think WindWaker is the best of the Zelda games.

I’m not including botw and totk in this as they are a much different game. I love those games, but they are hard to compare to classic Zelda due to their differences.


Dear patient lemmings, I am in need of your help. I'm searching for games that have some GOD DAAMN OSTs and come with a great story or/and gameplay.

Games that tick these requirements for me:

  • Danganronpa 1/2/V3 + Ultra Despair Girls (most recently finished)
  • Persona 4/5 (waiting for Persona 3 remaster)
  • NFS Most Wanted (2005, 2012), Carbon, ProStreet
  • Doom 2016, Eternal
  • Test Drive Unlimited 2
  • Life is Strange
  • Ace Combat 7
  • Omori
Witcher 3 (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Just finished Witcher 3 and got the bad ending. Properly traumatized.

Edit: As far as I can understand, the 3 places I went wrong were: Telling Ciri she doesn't have to be good at everything, joining as backup with the mage meeting, and not trashing the lab (I thought the necklace scene was sweet).


Finally getting around to checking out Fallout 4. I played it through without the DLC a while back but I think it’s about time I get down to it on my list and play through the DLCs. I wanted to do it on the survival difficulty or one of the harder ones at least. That led to me checking out the achievements. I don’t keep up with newer games but I didn’t realize achievements have gotten quite this bad. Most of the achievements are ones you get from the story itself, no challenge there. Then I found out there is no achievement for higher difficulties. I enjoy a challenge, it’s why I go back and play games that I enjoy. And I know it’s a reward in and of itself to beat it, but it feels less validating to not have an achievement. Especially in an open world game where people will want to experience more of it.

It’s not even that games have gotten easier per se, but more than they don’t reward playing on harder difficulties and skimp on challenges like achievements. I like harder difficulty because it encourages me to engage with every system I can. So what gives? Is this just me or has everyone else noticed how phoned in most achievements and difficulty options are these days?


I played this game as a kid when it released and remembered not liking it very much. I remembered almost nothing about it. I didn’t remember a single boss fight or temple, like it was really wiped from my mind.

I wanted to play through it again because people always talk about how they love this game, but I found it really lacking and annoying at times.

Having to redo things each time you resets time made the game feel more like a chore. I understand that your going back in time, but it did not make for good gameplay.

I made it to the moon, but I’m burnt out at this point and a little under powered. I did not do any of the side quests as having to redo a bunch of stuff sounds terrible. I don’t want to get 3/4th through a side quest only to have to reset time.

Before resetting, I have to deposit money, then reset, then stock up my items again, and redo all the things I need to do to get back to where I was.

I have to admit that it is really original and a cool concept, but it does not work in practice.

I still put oot and wind Waker at the top of the 3d Zelda’s. (Not counting the switch games)

At this point, I’ll boot up oot and play through that again. I vividly remember child links part of the game and a decent amount of adult link. After that, I’ll try the master quest. I remember that being difficult and I never completed it when I was a kid.


I played this game back when it released on Gamecube. I honestly have almost 0 memories of this game. I only kinda sorta remember a specific room or two and not even well enough to really explain them.

I am not sure why I do not remember it very well. I remember Majora's mask much better and I had only played that once at launch as well.

At this point, I have finished the first dungeon and it was pretty easy. I wonder if this game is just an easier game then modern zelda titles. Although, it seems like it is easier than Ocarina. At least so far.

The enemies feel meatier. Like, they take more damage and don't bounce around as easily. I am not enjoying it as much as I thought i would, but I am going to stick with it.

I kinda want to play through the 3d zelda games again. I keep trying Majora's mask and then putting it down before I even leave the starting town. I am playing on a PC, but I'd much rather use a steam deck to play as I do not often sit at my PC unless I am working.

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