
joined 3 months ago
[–] xoron@programming.dev 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

thanks for the info. i'll take a look later, it sounds like an interesting idea.



im investigating an idea i have about functional webcomponents after some experience with Lit.

Lit is a nice lightweight UI framework, but i didnt like that it was using class-based components.

Vue has a nice approach but i like working with the syntax that React used and i wondered if with webcomponents i could create a functional UI framework that didnt need to be transpiled.

i think the article is already quite long, so i think i will create a separate one as a tutorial for it.

note: im not trying to push "yet another ui framework", this is an investigation to see what is possible. this article is intended as educational.



im investigating an idea i have about functional webcomponents after some experience with Lit.

Lit is a nice lightweight UI framework, but i didnt like that it was using class-based components.

Vue has a nice approach but i like working with the syntax that React used and i wondered if with webcomponents i could create a functional UI framework that didnt need to be transpiled.

i think the article is already quite long, so i think i will create a separate one as a tutorial for it.

note: im not trying to push "yet another ui framework", this is an investigation to see what is possible. this article is intended as educational.



im investigating an idea i have about functional webcomponents after some experience with Lit.

Lit is a nice lightweight UI framework, but i didnt like that it was using class-based components.

Vue has a nice approach but i like working with the syntax that React used and i wondered if with webcomponents i could create a functional UI framework that didnt need to be transpiled.

i think the article is already quite long, so i think i will create a separate one as a tutorial for it.

note: im not trying to push "yet another ui framework", this is an investigation to see what is possible. this article is intended as educational.

[–] xoron@programming.dev 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

thanks for the tip. i think its to hard to find the balance. im banking on it improving with practice.

i'll try make an update for better intros to articles. i think i go in a bit too technical from the start.

[–] xoron@programming.dev 3 points 3 weeks ago

im faily new to blogging. that was added for setting up google ads. can you tell me what you mean by your comment?




i normally use reddit for what people normally do with a blog. this is because i dont know enough to drive traffic to my site. i recently created a Docusaurus blog for my app and id like to see more traffic go there when i set up ads. the amount of traffic i have right now is barely anything (about 30 per day), compared to the number of "views on reddit".

i regurgitated old reddit posts into articles. im not much of a writer and im sure the content can be improved to "flow better".

i created some images on my phone... i justify it as "it matches the theme"... its actually the best i can do without using some AI or an actual artist.

id like to set up some kind of ads on it when its looks like its in a better state and i can attract traffic.

let me know what you think i could/should do to make it better.



the code related to the video is a faily basic implementation using BabylonJS. it can be found here.

id like to see if i can get handpose-estimation to work well enough to be able to add to the BabylonJS render engine.

im working on something i hope will work like the 8thwall demo here. i couldnt find an open-source alternative to this so i thought id have a crack at it myself. my progress so far is as described here. i dont have much experience in creating games or graphics, so any guidance/help/advice is appriciated.


  • why should i use it? - its a proof-of-concept app. for testing and demo purposes only.
  • why create it? - it is a hobby project and i can be creative with the approach. its fun to work on.
  • what is it? - maybe this article helps.


the code related to the video is a faily basic implementation using BabylonJS. it can be found here.

id like to see if i can get handpose-estimation to work well enough to be able to add to the BabylonJS render engine.

im working on something i hope will work like the 8thwall demo here. i couldnt find an open-source alternative to this so i thought id have a crack at it myself. my progress so far is as described here. i dont have much experience in creating games or graphics, so any guidance/help/advice is appriciated.


  • why should i use it? - its a proof-of-concept app. for testing and demo purposes only.
  • why create it? - it is a hobby project and i can be creative with the approach. its fun to work on.
  • what is it? - maybe this article helps.
[–] xoron@programming.dev 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the clear info! I'll investigate this further within the demo.


i want to understand more about WebRTC security when using vpn. id like to know if it is more secure with VPN than without... or even if its recommended to use WebRTC with VPN.

i created a webrtc demo: https://chat.positive-intentions.com/#/webrtc (the corresponding code its created with: https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat/blob/staging/src/components/pages/webrtc/WebRTC.jsx)

if i generate a "WebRTC offer" then i see a bunch of information including my IP address.

if i do the same with VPN, i see that my ip address isnt in that payload.

following the information here: https://thehackernews.com/2015/02/webrtc-leaks-vpn-ip-address.html?m=1

and using the demo here: https://ipleak.net/

it seems even with vpn, the local ISP ip seems detected.

a recurring concern ive had on reddit about the security of my app is that webrtc exposes ip addresses. im investigating using the app with vpn. it seems to work like normal.

in the example details given above, i see while the local ISP IP is exposed, the personal ip address is still hidden. im sure what is exposed there is not worthless, but it could help users with privacy and security.

on the back of this investigation id like to see if i can add something like a toggle in my app called "enforce VPN" which will first check to see if you are on a vpn, and if you are, open the rest of the app.

my app is using peerjs-server as the connection broker. this is a third party i have no contractual agreement to provide me with a service. it could help to hide your IP from this service.


a decentralized P2P todo list app to to demo the P2P framework used in the chat app.


It is a wrapper around peerjs. peerjs is good, but it can become complicated to use on bigger projects. This implementation is an attempt to create something like a framework/guideline for decentralized messaging and state management.


how it works:

  1. crypto-random ids are generated and used to connect to peerjs-server (to broker a webrtc connection)
  2. peer1 shares this ID to another browser/tab/person (use the storybook props)
  3. peers are then automatically connected.
  4. add todo item
  5. edit todo item

There are several things here to improve like:

  • general cleanup throughout (its early stage for this project and missing all the nice things like good-code and unit-tests)
  • adding extra encryption keys for messages comming in and going out (webrtc mandates encryption already)
  • handling message callbacks
  • key rotation

im working on a decentralized chat app. i open sourced it to get feedback on the implementation.

for a project like this, its important for it to be open source in order to gain user confidence in the security. but i find that the project is too complicated for pro-bono security assessment work (which is understandable).

fiverr probably isnt the best place to find reputable support, but i wanted to see the prices. it seems to range from 50 to 5k+

i wont be getting the support any time soon, but id like guage an estimate. i havent done something like this before so any/all advice is appriciated.

i created a threat-model which may help: https://positive-intentions.com/docs/research/threat-model/

to explain my app in more detail: https://medium.com/@positive.intentions.com/introducing-decentralized-chat-377c4aa37978

github repo: https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by xoron@programming.dev to c/javascript@programming.dev



I'm excited to share with you an instant messaging application I've been working on that might interest you. This is a chat app designed to work within your browser, with a focus on browser-based security and decentralization.

What makes this app unique is that it doesn't rely on messaging servers to function. Instead, it works based on your browser's javascript capabilities.

Here are some features of the app:

  • Encrypted messaging: Your messages are encrypted, making them more secure.
  • File sharing: Easily share files using WebRTC technology and QR codes.
  • Voice and video calls: Connect with others through voice and video calls.
  • Shared virtual space: Explore a shared mixed-reality space.
  • Image board: Browse and share images in a scrollable format.

Your security is a top priority. Here's how the app keeps you safe:

  • Decentralized authentication: No central server is required for login, making it harder for anyone to gain unauthorized access.
  • Unique IDs: Your ID is cryptographically random, adding an extra layer of security.
  • End-to-end encryption: Your messages are encrypted from your device to the recipient's device, ensuring only you and the recipient can read them.
  • Local data storage: Your data is stored only on your device, not on any external servers.
  • Self-hostable: You have the option to host the app on your own server if you prefer.

A decentralized infrastructure has many unique challenges and this is a unique approach. Ive taken previous feedback and made updates. Its important to note, the app is an unstable proof-of-concept and a work-in-progress. Its important to understand at this early stage in the project, there will be breaking changes. It is not ready to replace any existing apps or services. While the app is aiming to be an encrypted and secure chat system, the project is not mature enough to have been reviewed by security professionals and should not be considered encrypted or secure. it is provided for testing/review/feedback purposes.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

The live app

About the app

Even more about the app



POC: Decentralized Chat (programming.dev)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by xoron@programming.dev to c/privacy@programming.dev



I'm excited to share with you an instant messaging application I've been working on that might interest you. This is a chat app designed to work within your browser, with a focus on browser-based security and decentralization.

What makes this app unique is that it doesn't rely on messaging servers to function. Instead, it works based on your browser's javascript capabilities.

Here are some features of the app:

  • Encrypted messaging: Your messages are encrypted, making them more secure.
  • File sharing: Easily share files using WebRTC technology and QR codes.
  • Voice and video calls: Connect with others through voice and video calls.
  • Shared virtual space: Explore a shared mixed-reality space.
  • Image board: Browse and share images in a scrollable format.

Your security is a top priority. Here's how the app keeps you safe:

  • Decentralized authentication: No central server is required for login, making it harder for anyone to gain unauthorized access.
  • Unique IDs: Your ID is cryptographically random, adding an extra layer of security.
  • End-to-end encryption: Your messages are encrypted from your device to the recipient's device, ensuring only you and the recipient can read them.
  • Local data storage: Your data is stored only on your device, not on any external servers.
  • Self-hostable: You have the option to host the app on your own server if you prefer.

A decentralized infrastructure has many unique challenges and this is a unique approach. Ive taken previous feedback and made updates. Its important to note, the app is an unstable proof-of-concept and a work-in-progress. Its important to understand at this early stage in the project, there will be breaking changes. It is not ready to replace any existing apps or services. While the app is aiming to be an encrypted and secure chat system, the project is not mature enough to have been reviewed by security professionals and should not be considered encrypted or secure. it is provided for testing/review/feedback purposes.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

The live app

About the app

Even more about the app



submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by xoron@programming.dev to c/webdev@programming.dev



I'm excited to share with you an instant messaging application I've been working on that might interest you. This is a chat app designed to work within your browser, with a focus on browser-based security and decentralization.

What makes this app unique is that it doesn't rely on messaging servers to function. Instead, it works based on your browser's javascript capabilities.

Here are some features of the app:

  • Encrypted messaging: Your messages are encrypted, making them more secure.
  • File sharing: Easily share files using WebRTC technology and QR codes.
  • Voice and video calls: Connect with others through voice and video calls.
  • Shared virtual space: Explore a shared mixed-reality space.
  • Image board: Browse and share images in a scrollable format.

Your security is a top priority. Here's how the app keeps you safe:

  • Decentralized authentication: No central server is required for login, making it harder for anyone to gain unauthorized access.
  • Unique IDs: Your ID is cryptographically random, adding an extra layer of security.
  • End-to-end encryption: Your messages are encrypted from your device to the recipient's device, ensuring only you and the recipient can read them.
  • Local data storage: Your data is stored only on your device, not on any external servers.
  • Self-hostable: You have the option to host the app on your own server if you prefer.

A decentralized infrastructure has many unique challenges and this is a unique approach. Ive taken previous feedback and made updates. Its important to note, the app is an unstable proof-of-concept and a work-in-progress. Its important to understand at this early stage in the project, there will be breaking changes. It is not ready to replace any existing apps or services. While the app is aiming to be an encrypted and secure chat system, the project is not mature enough to have been reviewed by security professionals and should not be considered encrypted or secure. it is provided for testing/review/feedback purposes.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

The live app

About the app

Even more about the app



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