
joined 3 years ago
[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

It is very hard, time consuming and boring to iron out those finishing issues in any software product. You need team of people being paid for that.

When doing it for fun, I just go until it works and until it is fun. As soon as I come to those last 20% I never touch it anymore.

So ai doubt it will happen until more companies start paying decelopera to do it. But I don't see the business model in that, so I doubt it will get better fast.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Amount of batteries needed is not solved problem.

EU has around 250 million cars, with 10-15 million sold every year. Even best future mines have lithium for around 1 million cars per year and those batteries last about ten years.

Sodium Ion might give us a chance if we invest in technology.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Those are only .md files, I guess any text editor will open them.

Yeah, no reminders and tasks, but notes should be accessible from anything and git can sync it. Never tried it, but text files were the reason I choose zim in the first place. I want it simple.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Same. Perfectly simple to start, and you can build from there.

I just dump stuff if I not in the mood to organize it.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Zim Wiki

Desktop wiki, saving to .md text files, can commit to git repo and has basic task handling.

Perfect for me.

Zim can be used to:

Keep an archive of notes
Keep a daily or weekly journal
Take notes during meetings or lectures
Organize task lists
Draft blog entries and emails
Do brainstorming
[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I have done stuff by myself they in anybtime before yt would need someone to show me.

Whem car mechanic tells me I have problem on my car I can find yt on how to detect it and how to solve it. I don't get knowledge to do it, but I can definitely appreciate their work more and not think they are just ripping me off.

It is amazing what we have and take for granted.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I fail to see how is traing AI on publicly available images hurting small artists?

You don't have to write if you don't have time, link to explanation is good for me.

I basically use generated images in places that would not have any ilustrations before. There is no budget. When I have money for an artist I hire an artist.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It almost like a bot is posting this sentence every time SerenityOS is mentioned.

Using "he" insted of "they" is not enough to call someone transphobic or misogynistic. It's like you become fascist and are targeting people for one different opinion. Which is not even true.

There are real problems transgender people are having, ladybird browser must be low on that priority.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

These people started it and are doing it for fun.

Fixing few decades of technical debt is not fun and a big question would be if their code would even be considered for existing engines.

It us so much fin it already has over 1000 contributors. It got us 1k more people that understand browsers deeply. I think that's a huge win whatever happens with browser itself

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I see it just as extension to "cancel culture" in IRL society. Nothing complicated just same stuff pushed from media comes to the web. Much helped by algorithms that are supporting it.

It is not only reddit, whole public internet is just an echo chamber, with no critical opinion allowed.

Every topic in current society (at least Europe+North America, I don't know what's happening in the rest of the world) is either black or white and no in between. Very scary place we are in currently. And people put you in some category just based on one sentence, one though, one idea.

I don't see anything special here or on reddit that is not happening in other parts of our society.

Maybe fediverse is so clean you can see it happening live, just look at any defederation request and what they think of different opinions. Different opinion is forbidden. I never thought we will ger to this point, I believed internet will give us freedom of speech and freedom to discuss. But so many topics have become dangerous.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

It is still young and underdeveloped.

It is advertised to be simpler, but I don't understand any of this words thrown in this thread. And I don't care. Pulseaudio and pipewire is still making me troubles, even thou alsa worked without issues for me.

Point it, make it clear and stable and we will come. Until than we will use the beast we know. It os mich easier when there are no options, but Wayland is fighting something that exists and it takes time and effort.

Another problem is they pushed it to early and people got burned. Until I start seeing "I switched to Wayland in one command and everything works" I (as a user) will not touch it (unles my distro decides to drop X).

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I understand she wants freedom in a house she lives in.

But if you go to visit your parents it is not of her concern. She can not get both.

She might be worried about some fantasy she has, but it might not be too bad in the end.

I am in this situation. My parther is close (physically and emotionally) to her family and I wouldn't want them visiting. But I am happy for her (without me) to go.

Problem arises when she wants me to go too and that's where fight starts. Either eight away or after visit, wether I go or not.

No advice, just my experience.


While some of us had it turned on for some time, some didn't. Looks like it is fully stable now.

Yey! Test it by starting intel_gpu_top and than playing video in firefox, if row "Video" goes over 0.0% it is working!

intel-gpu-top: Intel Coffeelake (Gen9) @ /dev/dri/card0 -  921/ 925 MHz;  38% RC6
    1.78/10.41 W;      813 irqs/s

      IMC reads:     3883 MiB/s
     IMC writes:     1632 MiB/s

         ENGINES     BUSY                                         MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
       Render/3D   12.82% |████▊                                |      0%      0%
         Blitter    0.00% |                                     |      0%      0%
           Video   27.99% |██████████▍                          |      0%      0%
    VideoEnhance    0.00% |                                     |      0%      0%

   PID              NAME   Render/3D      Blitter        Video      VideoEnhance  
   578       RDD Process |            ||            ||███         ||            |
 32431       firefox-bin |▊           ||            ||            ||            |
  2301    elogind-daemon |▌           ||            ||            ||            |
  4151        pcmanfm-qt |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4153         keepassxc |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4154         pasystray |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4521             slack |            ||            ||            ||            |
  6067            chrome |            ||            ||            ||            |
 29222       jcef_helper |            ||            ||            ||            |

Of course, you need second monitor, it goes down to 0 if video is not visible, since Firefox is not rendering it.

Official release notes:


While some of us had it turned on for some time, some didn't. Looks like it is fully stable now.

Yey! Test it by starting intel_gpu_top and than playing video in firefox, if row "Video" goes over 0.0% it is working!

intel-gpu-top: Intel Coffeelake (Gen9) @ /dev/dri/card0 -  921/ 925 MHz;  38% RC6
    1.78/10.41 W;      813 irqs/s

      IMC reads:     3883 MiB/s
     IMC writes:     1632 MiB/s

         ENGINES     BUSY                                         MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
       Render/3D   12.82% |████▊                                |      0%      0%
         Blitter    0.00% |                                     |      0%      0%
           Video   27.99% |██████████▍                          |      0%      0%
    VideoEnhance    0.00% |                                     |      0%      0%

   PID              NAME   Render/3D      Blitter        Video      VideoEnhance  
   578       RDD Process |            ||            ||███         ||            |
 32431       firefox-bin |▊           ||            ||            ||            |
  2301    elogind-daemon |▌           ||            ||            ||            |
  4151        pcmanfm-qt |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4153         keepassxc |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4154         pasystray |            ||            ||            ||            |
  4521             slack |            ||            ||            ||            |
  6067            chrome |            ||            ||            ||            |
 29222       jcef_helper |            ||            ||            ||            |

Of course, you need second monitor, it goes down to 0 if video is not visible, since Firefox is not rendering it.

Official release notes:


After years of trying out fediverse, I am still struggling with this basics.

Is there a way? Do I need peertube account to be able to interact with it?


This is the community I miss the most from reddit and will probably go back at least to it.

But I would love for us to have and option here too and some support group in fediverse.

I am exploring mastadon #cptsd tag and found a way to subscribe to tag, so there are ways for us to connect.

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