Wasnt it Software Freedom Conservancy among many other known foss organizations that three years ago happily hopped in the RMS weblynching bandwagon trying to persuade us that RMS should SHUTUP and go to hole or sth that he is an autistic pedophile a dirty hippy a female aggressor etc etc and THAT microsoft . redhat , google etc are the MODELs and BEACONs of how foss communites should be organized ? What happened ? Leaks in the sponsor pipes ? I hear that even Miguel de Icaza now changed his mind after the visual studio lockin plugins fallout ....
joined 2 years ago
I think the points underlined by the author are valid but look like small settings or adjustements that could easily change in a mastodon fork backed by deep pocket sponsors. So for me the software license and the denentrilized-federated architecture are the core dna of the project .