
joined 1 year ago
[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

YouTube has an ace up its sleeve:

It shares revenue 50-50 (roughly) with creators. And considering the server costs and promotional benefit, that 50% cut is very fairly priced.

Facebook, Twitter/X, Reddit, etc. never shared revenue with creators. And that makes them easily replaceable. But Google wisely made YouTube and video creators financially reliant on one another. And that makes it difficult for something like PeerTube to pop up in a way Mastadon has.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

That's good to know. I almost thought of buying a couple (I always back up with pairs) to replace a couple of aging spinning disk portables.

Guess I will wait.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They told me that when laptops came out. Heck, I even used a laptop exclusively through most of the 00s.

Chromebooks would kill desktops. Then iPads. And smartphones. And cloud computing.

And yet by 2014, I was back to building a desktop PC. And had 3 since. Desktops will always have a small market share because they are the only machine that works for serious work (video editing, etc.)

Will I embrace Microsofts cloud computing? Only if it is cheaper price per power than owning my own equipment. Something tablets, phones, laptops, and cloud computing have all failed to do.

Desktop users are "value* users. And I'm skeptical what MS offers will offer good value to cheapos like me.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

In turn, my parents are gradually escaping.

My dad was a Never Trumper who we gently led out. And Jan 6th made him an "independent" (he votes for Democrats now). My mom is a loyal Republican (somehow)... but agrees Trump is an arrogant piece of garbage and not the horse to bet on.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Allegorical Christianity

In that, yeah, western pluralism is derived from a "Rhode Island" interpretation of tolerance from Jesus Christ's teachings in the New Testament. But waa the guy diety? Nah.

Was raised LDS/Mormon for the first three decades of my life. But gradually burned out of it as the church became more demanding and greedy -- and slowly evolved away from "Rhode Island" tolerance Christianity into a near- LGBTQ hate group. The church decided to die on that hill, and I left. I believe Jesus teaches me to be kind, understanding, and tolerant.

The LDS/Mormon church is basically obsessed over anti-LGBTQ acceptance and tithing (money). If it were on the Nasdaq, the church would rival Lockheed Martin in market cap. Yet they are hella stingy helping the poor and still demand even the church's poorest members to pay their "widow's mite" of 10 percent. It's downright immoral.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Good riddance. I could always tell how inefficient those bulbs were, simply from trying to touch them to change the bulb. All that heat is wasted energy.

Plus there's a lot of neat things we can do with the new LED bulbs, including adding Wi-Fi circuits to make them smart bulbs. And the price of those LED bulbs is dropped so much, I don't even really worry about the price difference anymore.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 60 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I was a "Fox News"-viewing turd in high school, too.

Conservativism mirrored what my parents viewed at the time. Seemed edgy. And offered simple solutions to all of life's problems.

Then I grew up. Five years later, I was voting for Barack Obama and terrified of Sarah Palin.

[–] TempleSquare@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I tend to lean toward OP's original scenario never happening.

Back when signal jammers first came out, people used doom and gloom to say that autoritarian powers would jam our phones so we couldnt use them. It never happened.

Not because there weren't people who didn't try. But because the United States doesn't have one "government." We have governments. So if an out of control state legislature tries to do something, the FCC fights back. And if Congress gets too crazy, courts will strike it on Tenth Amendment grounds.

In the end, people are going to find a way to record cops. So we will. And -- despite internet pessimism -- most of the people in our governments will actually back us on it.