We are trying to solve computer/rocket-age problems with a caveman brain. If we don't start genetic engineering humans soon i'd wager we'll eradicate ourselves before we colonize other planets and stars.
Is 'Ed' used at all? That i would understand...
Fortunately not and most likely never will (i'm not from the US) :D
Wait, Ted isn't even one of his names? Of all the names in the world he choose to go with Ted? No disrespect against anyone named Ted but there are cooler names out there...
I'd say time well spent. Good job! :P
"So you don't want do go out with a boom?"
Du schaffst das, ich glaube an dich! :*
I just learned you can use powershell your default shell. Ngl i'm kinda impressed...
Oh das ist genau das, wonach ich gesucht habe. Auch wenn die ARM-Architektur ja noch stromsparender seien soll findet man dafür kaum Container im Dockerhub. Das sieht nach "best of both worlds" aus, danke für den Tip :)
Das heist die Partie ist vorbei. Das Spiel geht weiter :P
Siegt aus wie das Deutsche Welle logo mit "Quellenangabe: NABU". Hier der link: https://www.dw.com/de/protest-kritik-gegen-windkraft-was-sind-die-fakten-gesundheit-infraschall-v%C3%B6gel-dunkelflaute-profit/a-60032565