
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Interesting question. Personally, I started with a text editor transitioned to vim, then to VSCode and now I've settled on a customised neovim install.

I'm a believer of PDE, that is personal development environment. It's a concept one of the Devs of Neovim TJDeVries talks about.

In essence it's the idea of building your development environment how you want it. Personally, Neovim allows me to do this. For example, I have a VSCode style debugger, incredibly fast searching with ripgrep, vim keyboard shortcuts and uses the same language servers as jetbrains products.

Here's a link to his full conversation on the topic:

Stay awesome!


I just went to a lecture where the lecturer was explaining a way to measure the response of a accoustic guitar with an exciter on the bridge and a method called the exponential sine sweep method.

He was suggesting that you could measure and then replicate a guitars response onto another guitar and using this you could make far more accurate replicas. This could be used to preserve the sounds of old famous guitars.

My question to this community is you would consider buying a guitar based on a graph of its frequency response and how that compared to other guitars? Is this valuable research?


I'll start: Dwarf Fortress. Not found anything close.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That is haunting but awesome

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Hello from a software engineer in test.

I use Linux because of habit of looking for an alternative to Windows that didn't require Mac hardware. The machines we've been allocated are dog slow Dells, so it was either pain or Linux.

I spend most of my day either remoting into embeded units or servers and debugging/writing scripts to test them. I do that over SSH and bar one I can think of, they all run Debian or a variant.

For me personally, I like to have my development environment mimick (with some niceties) what I work with. In general, I sleep better knowing if it works on my machine, it will probably work on the thing it will eventually be used against. I also know the terminal like the back of my hand and have grown to depend on it for basically everything development. I would never not want to use it.

However, my tech lead runs Windows 7, uses VSCode and relys heavily on GUI programs in general. I would also say, he is far more efficient in his tasks than I am. When I questioned his use of these things he responded "It's how I like it" and that really stuck with me.

The key take away from this ramble is create a PDE, a personal development environment. Linux is great because your can customize just about everything you'd want to. That being said I'm sure you can customize your Mac just as much where it matters.

Just stay awesome!

Note - I would however check out neovim for the exact reasons I've stated here :)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Sounds like a fun character to play. The next thing to concentrate on is what does this entity want with her? Why save her? Is it actually really weak and needed a body? Are these nightmares from people from her past lineage who are fighting to get her back? If so can we meet one of these characters in the campaign?

All things to ask your DM about. The story will just flow from there and I guarantee they will appreciate it. - A forever DM

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I'm using a Google Pixel 6a.

I am very happy with it. Price makes it unmatched in my eyes, although the battery could be better.

Before this I had a Pixel 4XL which had awful battery life, but was still a major upgrade from my old Samsung galaxy S3. I have only upgraded because I've got a "problem reading your battery error" and replacing the battery didnt solve it.

I very very rarely upgrade and just use custom ROMS to expand the life of each of my old phones, building my own ROMs in necessary.

For everything else, I'm a ThinkPad T480 guy running Debian or Ubuntu. That being said I use a MacBook for work and she runs beautifully.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I read that as "anything involving eating out of a shoe". Good alternative to a bowl.

I have used Deddit on and off for years now and whilst I miss the communities and the sheer mass of useful/amusing information, I am happy we can start a new on something like this.