
joined 2 years ago
[–] BeePlusPlus 8 points 2 years ago

There is usually a 10% off promo code floating around to get it from $15 to $13.50. But hey, $1.50 is $1.50

[–] BeePlusPlus 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Me wsh the post was ttled me_rl

[–] BeePlusPlus 4 points 2 years ago

For me it would be the same questions that have the same answers. It’s nice to have a “reboot” of answers for the same questions, but it became so frequent and so samey that it felt like Groundhog’s Day

Here’s what I mean:

What is something worth splurging on?

  • bed, shoes, tires (anything to keep you off the ground)
  • a nice knife
  • traveling/experiences
  • bidet

Ladies, what do you find attractive in men

  • rolled up sleeves
  • white button-down
  • grey sweatpants (tHe {battle of the} bUlGe)

What scene made you cry

  • “I’m scared of the dark”
  • Fry’s dog
  • Fry’s brother
  • That scene from Scrubs where they play “How to Save a Life”
  • The end of Marley and Me
  • Leaves from the vine
  • The scene from Up

What was your favorite game of all-time?

  • OoT
  • The Witcher 3
  • Pokémon (gen 1-3, 4-5 okay, 6+ = garbage)
  • BotW
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Mario (64, Sunshine, Paper, Galaxy, or Odyssey)
  • Fallout: New Vegas (3 sucks, and F:NV is aPoLiTiCal)

It got so bad that I was thinking that a V2 of Askreddit should have been made where the same questions could be asked, but the OP had to post answers that had been posted in the past so we could get a new batch of answers. And OP’s answers would be filtered out

[–] BeePlusPlus 4 points 2 years ago

Yeah, the bike I was looking at had a stipulation that if you want the warranty for the whole duration, you need to bring it in for an annual maintenance check-up. Reading comments like yours makes me want to go out and buy it ASAP

[–] BeePlusPlus 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah, I think manufactured e-bikes (not converted/retrofit) have become a lot more popular in recent years. I think price points are all over the place because of so many different factors. Things like do you want a folding bike, a cruiser, a mountain bike, a motorcycle-style, a cargo bike, or a commuter bike? Not only is the form factor a thing to consider, the quality of components are important too.

Even trying to spec out a conversion is difficult too because there are a lot of different kits and a lot of different brands for the components. It's all confusing and I think it's due to e-bikes being so new to the scene. I'm sure when cars first came out, it was hard to know which brand to go with, but now that they've been around several decades, it's easier to pick which one you want.

To go over your points, I'd try to figure out the form factor you want and be realistic with what you are looking for. In regards to price, the bikes I considered ranged from $1000 - $2500 ($3000 is probably pretty good, but you reach "luxury" at that point). If you can try one, I'd recommend it, otherwise it's hard to figure out what you don't want from a bike. Regarding quality, I think a good indicator is warranty length and leniency. 1 year is standard, 2 years is good, and 5 (very lenient policy) is the best I've seen so far. And another is if they say the brands of the parts they use. So things like the drivetrain, the tires/wheels, and brakes are things I would try to see if I could buy from that brand. Or you can watch reviews to get a feel if the brand is good or not

Lastly, in terms of battery safety, it's recommended to go with a well-known battery cell brand. Don't buy an e-bike if they won't tell you what brand the cells inside are. Cells are what makes up a battery and if you don't recognize the brand name, it might be a good thing to pass on it. Think brands like Samsung, LG, Panasonic (CATL and BYD are other big ones too). The battery itself might be from a random company, but if the cells are from a good company, you should be fine. The battery shouldn't be left outside, it should be brought into a climate-controlled environment if not in use. And the likelihood of it catching fire is low if you take precautions.

In terms of actual safety, accidents do happen, but the frequency is on-par with pedestrian and vehicle accidents. Best thing you can do is use caution and be defensive when riding. Things like wearing a helmet at the very least, having lights, being visible, and avoiding any roads with high speed limits

[–] BeePlusPlus 1 points 2 years ago

I tried class 2. I would not want a class 1, because if you're gonna spend a lot of money on a bike, you might as well have the throttle (the only difference between the 2, they have the same top speed). I'm on the more athletic side and sometimes I feel lazy and put on the throttle from time to time

[–] BeePlusPlus 3 points 2 years ago

The one I tried out was a Pedego bike, and they are expensive. They're not the most bang for your buck e-bike, but I want to purchase one from them because they have a 5 year warranty and there is a Pedego shop near me. To give you an idea, the bike I want spec'd out comes to around $3000 before tax. The same bike from other brands is about $2000 +/- $200 (RadCity and Aventon) and has only a 1-2 year warranty

Specialized (that's the brand name) is probably a much better bike and there is Ride1UP which makes an extremely valuable bike too

If I was willing to take more risk, I would be happy to buy the RadCity or Ride1UP, because that's a huge amount of savings right there. The Specialized Vado 3.0 is too close in price for me to make it worth getting that bike over the Pedego with only a 2 year warranty

If you feel savvy enough, you could try to convert a bike over to an e-bike. From my understanding, the kits are pretty easy to retrofit onto a bike and most of them should be plug and play with a few zip-ties to secure everything to the bike. I hope you do get the chance to find a bike shop near you that lets you try one out. They are really fun!


Like the title said, I had a blast riding an e-bike and didn't have anyone else to share this to, so I'll tell anyone who is willing to read about it.

I've been getting into riding bikes for the past several months, and decided to try an e-bike at a store and I can't get over how much fun it is. Riding at 20 mph feels way more fun than driving any car at like 65+ mph. Just the feeling of the wind going past my face felt much better than any of the creature comforts in my car

I have to put in a conscious effort to show emotions on my face, but with riding this e-bike, I had the dumbest, biggest smile on my face from the moment I got onto the bike. Everybody I passed, I wanted to walk up to them and tell them that I was having so much fun and that they should try out this bike. Of course, I didn't because I have the social skills of a brick, but the urge was still there

I also wanted to buy the bike that day so bad, but I knew I needed to practice some form of self-restraint and wait to make sure I truly wanted that bike and not needlessly spend money for retail therapy

Anyways, bikes are cool, public transit is cool, and micromobility is super cool. I hope everyone can feel the same joy/happiness I felt while I was riding this bike sometime in their life

I hope your day goes well. If it doesn't, I hope it gets better. Thanks for reading!


I went on to Apollo to basically see/look at what Reddit looked like, because I am curious.

I have a lot of filtered out keywords/subs and so my front page kinda looked like what I had left a few weeks ago. However I hopped into the comments for stickied threads and I read some of the weirdest comments. Talking about how the 3PA devs are the problem, that Reddit needs to make money, and how they’re happy with Reddit’s decision

It felt like I was reading a bunch of comments from cult members. They were saying stuff like “I’m Team Reddit” when talking about the devs vs Reddit. And a lot of the subs I would have expected to be closed indefinitely are back to normal. I expected that reddits activity level would be relatively the same, and I’m extremely happy with having found Lemmy and other people who share the same values I do

I don’t know why I posted this, I think mostly due to getting my thoughts out there and talk to others about this. When the Apollo decision was announced, I kinda found myself “touching grass” more often. I stopped using reddit and started riding my bike outside or lifting more often. Lemmy and YT didn’t fill up the space that Reddit took up, but I think I’m happier now that I’m touching grass and I’m consuming longer form content

I’ve rambled on long enough, so I guess my question to you is, what is your favorite ice cream treat/dish/flavor? I’m more of a M&M vanilla ice cream cone kinda person

[–] BeePlusPlus 1 points 2 years ago

I just know I’ve always been built different

Says every guy that thinks he’s him. This guy is probably the most cookie cutter, genetically average dude out there

[–] BeePlusPlus 82 points 2 years ago (21 children)

I’m not a fan of the pun chains that somehow always ended up at the top of any Reddit comment thread

There could be a post about electricity and one of the top threads will have a joke about Watts, amps, shock, resistance, ohms, and other electric terms. The least they could have done is use Siemens, but it’s always basic wordplay that anyone can think of

And the worst part is that pun threads can be found any post regardless of the gravity of the situation. Titty post? Puns. Mundane news? Puns. A post of an innocent person being wrongly executed by electrocution? Puns.

Everyone thinks they are/wants to be a comedian, and they’d rather post a low quality joke than to add to the discussion or not say anything at all

[–] BeePlusPlus 73 points 2 years ago (10 children)

Log4j was a fun one to watch unfold everywhere when things went haywire

[–] BeePlusPlus 3 points 2 years ago

The two that I can think of are Justrolledintotheshop and Fitness. I know there are fitness communities, but I miss the Weekly rant, victory posts, and the activity. There was also a circlejerk version of it and I liked lurking there. I understand that the type of person signing up here probably aren’t into some of these things.

I know Justrolledintotheshop didn’t participate in the blackout because it seems like a lot of the posters there didn’t care about the API stuff. They also don’t care about their personal data being harvested, and I’m sure they complain about right to repair and all of that fun stuff too.

Anyways, I always liked the “humorous posts; educational comments” subreddit. Another example would be programmerhumor.

I appreciate the mods for what they do, but I only feel comfortable commenting, lurking, and the occasional posting. Posting content makes me feel too connected to the internet and reminds me to touch grass more often. Hence why I wouldn’t become a mod or create those subs

[–] BeePlusPlus 1 points 2 years ago

I’ll say that for a period of time, Chrome was the more performant browser because Firefox was more demanding. Especially considering I was using an ancient PC. Nowadays I don’t know about performance, but I like to use Firefox at home and at work. There are a few issues, but I switch to chrome for them

My only gripe is that I wish Firefox had tab grouping. It’s hard for me to keep things straight while I have 20+ tabs open. But it’s worth the inconvenience to help support a competitor to Chromium

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