
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Why are you mentioning Linux? I did not. Keeping this all with the context of using Windows, both Epic and GOG stores provide API access which proves they only want to compete but Steam demands tyrannical control and tell gamers want they are allowed to do while Steam maintains the right to erase a user's game library without a refund.

Steam does and has deleted ganes from people's library without giving refunds. People have developed a blind allegience to Steam either through ignorance or lower cognitive function, but Steam is between aburden and a plaque on PC gaming.

Did you read the court documents in the video? The simple fact that Epic allows API proves that they not tracking and datamining people's information.

I have never bought a game on Steam. I will never buy game on Steam. It was a court ruling that made Steam change their user agreement, not Steam trying to be nice.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I have never bought a single game on Steam for this exact reason. I will buy from any game store except Steam.

The service on Steam is nothing superior over others. For people that want privacy but can live with DRM, I like Heroic open source launcher for playing games on both Epic and GOG, but Heroic does have issues launching Fortnite.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

That's how you know that you are in a cult, when you're not allowed to be personal friends with a libertarian because they don't acceot what you believe in.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (11 children)

How is refunding people's money to return their own cash classed as socialism?


Rustad announced they will start with a $1500/month tax rebate for rent and mortgage, increasing each year by $500/mnth to eventually max out to $3000 per month month tax rebate on rent and mortgage.

What kind of a tax refund is NDP promising on rent and mortgage so people with jobs keep more of their own money?

[–] 19 points 6 days ago

Anyone who replied has validated your number as a verified working phone number to sell and to spam.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Are you saying that in relation to price? Because 4060 beats 1080 Ti.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Which shows NDP and United only want power, void of any principals. From watching interviews and listening to speeches, it sounds like BC Conservatives want to cut the burden of government out of people's life, stop with the busy body administrative state, and stop pushing conformity on its citizens to stop nagging the population so people are left alone to make their own choices in how they live their life.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

It can't be fixed without government cutting taxes on construction and eliminating regulations on single family houses that also add to the costs along with fees and taxes on building homes.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Game developers should never use upscaling, develop everything at native 4K with 4K ultra textures, and for playing at lower resolutions the game can remove pixels for lower resolution. Similiar to how 4K recorded video looks better at 1080p than 1080p recorded video.

For framerate and GPU performance, we are now in the 4K capable GPU market and only getting better every 2 years. In 2026/2027 people will NOT require the top GPU for native 4K 120fps which means 4K GPUs are only going to get cheaper and cheaper, not for price but can start pairing a lower GPU with a 4K screen.

Upscaling is not available on older games, some of those are more popular in terms of favourites than brand new releases, and upscaling is inconsistent across games that have it.

The smoothest performance across a random 20 to 30 games will always be to only play at native resolution with no frame generation technology.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Does that mean that you are in agreement with me about being against all frame generation texhnoogies?

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Am I alone in being completely in being against all frame generation due it it being simulated gameplay? I max out ever graphics setting but disable DLSS/FSR and play on native with a lower FPS.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

On the contrary, I was going to ask you guys here, am I wrong to believe that there is zero interest in GTA 6? Or at the very least, people don't care about a game that won't be released for a year and a half?!?


What are people's recommendation between LibreTube, NewPipe, and PipePipe?

I don't subscribe or download videos through app, I primarily use on occassion to listen to random music videos while I'm out somewhere, I do not watch content on phone, only listen to something.


What are people's recommendation for their favourite FPS single player campaigns that you still enjoy playing a couple of levels once in awhile? No multiplayer suggestions.

My all time one is Medal Of Honor 2010 reboot. I don't play through it every time but I have a couple of favourite levels.


Last month the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation took its “Debt Clock” on a tour of British Columbia to draw attention to the province’s mounting debt. The debt is currently $112 billion and rising by $53 million per week – faster than any other provincial government’s. That’s $20,000 for every British Columbian. The NDP-run province’s credit rating is “plummeting,” according to outside experts, driving up the interest rate it pays on new debt. It is spending $4 billion a year on interest and will soon pay more.

The NDP’s uncontrolled spending is a big part of the problem. In 2002, Campbell’s Liberal government forecast operational spending of $25.6 billion. Horgan’s first budget forecast spending of $53.6 billion. Eby’s government forecasts spending of $92.7 billion in 2026-2027, a 73 percent increase in only a decade. The NDP will have nearly tripled B.C.’s debt in only a decade – from $45.2 billion in Horgan’s first budget to a projected $126.5 billion in 2026-2027. Including Crown corporations, total provincial debt will have more than doubled from $69.4 billion to $165 billion.


Lots of people quit with it 2 years ago, some people ignored all restrictions from fhe beginning. There is some concern that this announcement is political theatre because everyone in public health employment still must disclose their status for getting injections.

Binnie make this announcement that it's ending, it's over, and the thousands if hospital staff that never got one injection can apply to be doctors and nurses again, but must disclose status, what changes then? If it's really ending, then they can all be imediately re-hired without asking any health queations.


Wht would be people's recommendation between using Molly, Langis and Signal-FOSS? I have always used Molly for years but I'm oen to sometuhing else.


If the federal government has been obligated to pay out and reimburse people who were severely injured or damaged from vaccines, why should be get any injections?


Since the bulk of you in this group are ideologues, how do you discern between respectful disagreement with someone and if someone is pushing conformity to only one acceptable viewpoint and belief?

Signal Names (

Now that we can create and delete usernames at will, do people have any concerns about giving people they meet their Signal ID? I have no fears of it. In fact, my Signal is oozic.35 if anyone wanta to message me.


Is everybody still a strong supporter for anyone getting their first covid vaccine that they should should still get their first vaccine shot if never had a vaccine?


Why does it seem that people actively avoid expressing disaagreements on what somone says when they are out somewhere having a conversation? Why arwe people more concerned about trying to sound nice rather than being honest? It's not provactive or antagonizing to simply say "I can't agree with you on that, I disagree." I suspect that if someone articulates the reasoning behind their disagreement, a lot of people would not be bothered by it, unless someone wants everybody to believe the same things and are easily disturbed by contrary points of views.


Does anyone know why every release is not available through F-Droid? For example F-Droid has version 5.5.2 and the latest stable is 5.5.5. In the buildlog it looks like F-Droid gets the soirce code for every release. It assume it is not successfully compiled in order for it to never end up being released.

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