
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't really see it as a conspiracy. What seems to happen is Apple does something like remove the headphone jack. Apple users essentially have to accept it as they are locked in and don't have any choice in the matter. Plus you have the fanboys that have an amazing ability to rationalize anything Apple does. Everyone else sees that Apple got away with something, and they follow suit.

Losing the SD slot would still be annoying but not as big of a deal with everyone wasn't also copying Apple's model of massively overcharging for storage upgrades.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I also don't want to be the "it works on my machine" either - but I've had a 13" Framework for over 2 years now, been using XFCE on it the entire time with little drama. Granted, I haven't tried Gnome or KDE, but my experience is that Linux with XFCE is fine on the 13" Framework and I think the screen looks great*. I can't imagine Gnome or KDE are going to be that different.

*Well, other than the screen being glossy. Framework now offers a matte replacement, though I haven't cared enough to buy that and swap it out yet.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For your typical loner right wing nutjob, guns are still way more accessible.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

A.I., the 2001 movie.

David (the robot kid) is trapped underwater repeatedly asking the statue to make him a real boy. His batteries eventually run out and everything goes dark. Tragic. Credits roll.

Everything that happened after that in the actual movie involving the far future with the aliens or whatever that was ends up on the editing room floor.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

When covid hit they cut my hours to 32 a week. They wouldn't let us do a four day work week which was kind of lame, but instead we got four 7-hour days then a 4-hour half-day on Friday. It doesn't sound like a lot but even an extra hour in the evenings and an early start to the weekend turned out to be really refreshing. When things went back to normal, I asked if I could keep that schedule even with the 20% pay cut, but they said no.

Unfortunately, it seems that there simply aren't a lot of white collar type office jobs where you can work for less than the standard 40 hours a week while keeping the same hourly rate and similar benefits.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Besides what people have mentioned, you also have simulator type games like SimCity. Though with SimCity, I got bored of the "new" SimCity they released.... in 2013. Either play something like SimCity 4000, or try Cities Skylines.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The reason we have timezones is because of the railroads. Before the railroads came in, every town would have its own time, typically set so noon is the time when the sun is highest in the sky. This really wasn't a problem, as back then it didn't really matter that the time was different in every little burg.

Then the railroads came in. They needed things running on a coordinated time table out of necessity, and having every town with its own time was unworkable. I'm sure the railroads would have loved running everything off of the same clock everywhere because that would be simple. But people were too used to noon being the middle of the day, so instead we got the compromise of having timezones so that the railroads can still run on a coordinated time table, but also so that noon is still approximately the middle of the day as people were used to.

So the solution is just go back to the 1800's and convince the railroads that timezones are actually silly and that they really should run everything based upon UTC. And if people want rail service to their town, they can just deal with not having 12PM being when the sun is highest in the sky.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

No checkbox for Wesley Crusher? 🤔

[–] 5 points 3 months ago

I'm using Manjaro for my desktop and laptop. If I had to pick a new distro today, I'd likely give EndeavourOS a try. But Manjaro has been working well for me for a several years now, does everything I want with little drama, and issues have been few. So I'm a happy camper and I'll keep on using it.

I have a home server that has been running Debian Stable since the mid-2000's or so. It just chugs right along, so complaints are few. Though occasionally having to deal with the old versions of some of the packages on it can be annoying.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

If you're comfortable with swapping out components in your PC, just buy a second SSD. Remove the Windows drive, put Linux on the new drive. If Linux doesn't work out for you, just swap them back.

You could also run a live Linux distribution from a USB stick, or potentially install Linux onto a USB stick or SD.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

It's been a while since I've used Gnome, but back when I did I also felt it lacked a lot of configurability much like the Mac.

In comparison, KDE felt a lot more like Windows (or how Windows used to be in the past) where you could configure and tweak all sorts of things.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

Finder? Polished? Even compared to Windows Explorer, Finder is terrible.

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