
joined 1 month ago
[–] 0 points 3 days ago

What? I am genuinely confused by your position

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I don't mind long games but if it's an RPG with branching story lines I think I would prefer a shorter game that I could replay. I always want to replay RPGs to see the different paths but never do cause they are insanely long and I don't want to devote my existence to one game even if it's amazing

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I take Mr. Yen's point in his tweet but does he not see Trump is all for big business? I highly doubt Trump will do anything about big tech as long as they kneel to him. If they defy him then he'll maybe do something but considering he wants us to be strong against China he won't in the end probably.

Mr. Yen did post that tweet 4th of December which (I believe) was before Zuckerberg and the rest of big tech publicly cozied up to Trump. I hope he has changed tack on this view of his (haven't read his tweets since them so don't know).

Ultimately I will still continue to use Proton since they have the best track record of any email provider but might reconsider. Unfortunately, there isn't really another option (as far as I know) other than hosting the email server yourself (which is a ball ache)


The video illustrates the current issues with the EU and why it is unable to be strong for its member states. NOTE: the video is sponsored by Union of European Federalists

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

Settinging asside the likelyhood that many personal stories there are fantacy. There are just fewer people on this platform and probably the many new people from the last little bit are still testing the waters.

But primarily, I think nowadays people understand that if they put their data online anywhere, there is a chance someone could use it against them. Hence, people here are not doing it as much.