
joined 1 month ago
[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 10 points 2 days ago

if you want to learn about Linux firewalls, go for iptables instead.

I'd suggest learning nftables might be more fruitful nowadays.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ah, like testing.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 1 points 6 days ago

I'm super keen to see how automatic registration will shake out. If it shows a significant bump in turnout I hope I'll prompt Westminster to adopt it too.

I'm also hugely enthusiastic about the move to closed-list PR. I think it's likely to break my party's firm grip on power, but if it results (as it surely will) in a Senedd better representing the public expression of will then I'll enthusiastically support it.

It's been odd seeing the discourse around all this over the last year or more, with a particular focus on us gaining more members even as we lost seats in Westminster. Lots of folks appeared to want less democratic representation, more disparity between constituencies, and to stick with a less fair, less representative electoral system.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 11 points 1 week ago

I think we should maintain a state where this video isn't available to watch since we've always done things this way.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 10 points 1 week ago

No, but they attempted a hostile takeover in 2017 that looked close to succeeding before the President issued an executive order preventing it.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

If this comes to pass, it's remarkable to think about how close we might have come to a timeline where Broadcom acquired VMware, Qualcomm, and Intel.

A chill just went down my spine.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 1 points 1 week ago

Ah, the Lily58. I use one too, with Vilebloom keycaps.

I started with it after getting intermittent wrist and knuckle pain. Switching to the split ergo form factor eliminated it entirely, and the Lily turned rapidly into my very favourite board.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 18 points 1 week ago (6 children)

After Left Unity, Breakthrough, Peace and Justice, Social Justice Party, and Transform, I'm sure this one will work out.

More seriously, I'm glad they're pursuing this. Everyone involved will be happier representing their views more authentically and Labour will be better off while freed from their influence, while the electorate will be presented a wider range of choices — and I suppose it's possible they won't make a pig's ear of it and that the two-ish party rigidity of our system could be broken, serving our democracy for the better.

Looks like a win-win-win-win to me.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I think in isolation I wouldn't care much about this. It still appears to be vastly less than the declarations made by other PMs and leaders, and much as the Tories want to make an issue of Lords being issued Downing Street passes it seems an entirely normal thing to me.

...but surely he knows how the Tories weaponise even the mildest appearance of nonsense against Labour (while they flaunt it with impunity) and foster the ignorance of, "They're all the same," to their advantage. This seems like the easiest bullet imaginable to dodge by simply not accepting gifts, and I'm baffled that he's imperiling all the effort to restore normalcy to politics by not doing so.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 4 points 2 weeks ago

This one mildly surprised me — possibly even more so than NIMBYs blocking solar farms and Green MPs opposing green infrastructure in their constituencies — given the industrial presence in Pembs that locals are pretty enthusiastic about. Our culture of Citizens Against Virtually Everything (CAVE) appears pretty pervasive though, and I really hope it's something we'll see tackled through this Parliamentary period.

I hope DARC gets rammed through regardless of such opposition, that we massively revamp the Town and Country Planning Act and Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, and that we become gradually more comfortable as a country with actually building and doing stuff from time to time.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 17 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

"No more money without reform," is the actual line.

Perhaps seeing it distorted as per the headline is to be expected of the Morning Star.

[–] rhys@lemmy.rhys.wtf 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I think it's a consequence of the weird coalition of competing factions they have to deal with. Among the at least four different ideological groups in the party, ideas are often contradictory between them and lead to the party's policy positions often being weird and hard to predict.

Here, the climate concerned, net-zero, 'public transport is good' crowd lost out until recently to the ecological preservationists and 'green spaces' lot. Recently, the former group also lost out to the NIMBYish group on green infrastructure in Ramsey's constituency, making the party look ridiculous and hypocritical yet again.

I don't know what the solution is but I hope they figure it out and start treating politics a bit more seriously if they're going to be a mainstay in Parliament.

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