
joined 1 year ago

I dreamed that I was part of some diplomacy group that had first contact with an alien race.

It was a very special event, as the first interspecies marriage took place! For the first time in history, a man from earth would marry a female from that alien race.

I was aboard a spaceship bound for “their planet” as part of the human side of the crew, though the dream never really explained where their planet is or what it was called. There were only 2 passengers—the recently engaged couple.

There was an equal amount of human and alien crew on board, perhaps a way to signify equality among species, though the spaceship belonged to the aliens, as was evident by its Sci-fi, UFO-like design.

Though never explained in the dream, my responsibility was to oversee human-alien communications and address any language or cultural barriers that may appear. My job was to stay as neutral as possible, not really a skill I consider myself particularly adequate in. Yet, out of billions of people on Earth, I was elected for this heavy but honorable task. I got to experience history in the making first-hand, while I didn't feel I deserved it, I was certainly excited for this.

However, as time passed, and our distance between their planet and our ship ever decreasing, the rituals became increasingly uncomfortable for me to watch.

Apparently, it is normal for the aliens bathe the female with a large group standing around the tub while singing a monotonous kind of song.

I tried not to look as she was undressed, I really didn't want to know how she looked! But my eyes kind of automatically went towards her as she was undressed by the large group. She had 6 boobs.

I couldn't help but feel really uncomfortable by this, and I tried to force myself to stay neutral, but damn…

The dream proceeded to pan the camera towards washing those boobs being washed in a very, very slow motion with extremely high detail. As if it was sensing what made me uncomfortable and showed me more of it!

Immediately the dream progressed into me working at a hospital for sick children, a group of clowns came in to entertain the children.

They started doing crafts with the children with this kind of stuff:

Hairy wire thingies

It was after they were done that the clowns began to have a devious grin and began strangling the children with the wires, they were so fast, that the knots they made were difficult to remove in the little time they had to strangle every single one of them at once. It felt so organized because every clown took on another kid.

I ran towards a girl and managed to save her, but barely. As she was gasping for breath, all other children already died.

It was one of the darkest nightmares I had in a long time, perhaps forever, as I can't imagine anything darker I have dreamed before...

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

I've tried them a long time ago, before moving to another OS because they had some features that VanillaOS was still developing. I'm going to give it another shot now that the stable v2 is out!

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Found it! This was the irl pic we had it based on. The artist made it quite different but we felt it had the same vibe, so we kept it as it was!

Emerald and Vol in Nature


The dream starts with me being called by my accountant. Her voice was firm and serious, "We need to talk about your finances. You're approaching a threshold that will put you in a higher tax bracket. If you don't spend 2500 euros, you'll end up paying a significant amount more in taxes."

Naturally, I was unsure of what to do. At the end of the call, she reassured me that it was a one-time expense and that I could use it to buy anything I wanted.

What could I possibly buy with 2500 euros? I didn't need anything, and I certainly didn't want to waste the money. But the accountant's words echoed in my mind - I had to spend it. It had to be an expense.

In a moment of naivety, and my mind surprisingly clouded, I walked into the Apple Store and asked for the latest and most expensive iPhone there was. I hesitated for a moment, but then handed over my credit card. I couldn't believe I was doing this - I've never been a fan of iPhones. In fact, I've always preferred rugged Android phones.

As I left the store with the iPhone still in its box, fully sealed, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I'd made a huge mistake. What was I thinking? This phone was the opposite of what I wanted. It was sleek and fragile, not rugged and durable like my usual phones.

As I walked away from the store, my mind started racing. I thought about all the things that could go wrong with this phone. I'd need to buy a case to protect it, and even then, I'd have to be extra careful not to scratch or drop it. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this purchase didn't make sense.

Just then, my Apple Fanboy friend texted me, "See, I knew you'd get an iPhone at some point!" I chuckled to myself, thinking, "If only you knew it's still in the box, fully sealed." I didn't bother responding, though, I was too busy trying to process my impulsive purchase.

As the day went on, I couldn't shake off the feeling of buyer's remorse. I kept thinking about all the other things I could have bought with that money. Finally, I decided to take action. I walked back into the Apple Store, iPhone still in its box with the plastic seal around it, where the dream ended with me asking if they would give full refunds on fully sealed iPhones.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Thanks! I dont know how I can upload the pic it was based on, but it was of us in the forest, similar place to the art

Me and my bf (

This picture is based on a irl photo, so its almost as if we took a trip through the looking glass, and ended up in a fantasy world, changing into our characters

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Last night was a crazy ensemble of mystery, magic, lively characters, pure luxury high class dreaming, attention to detail you normally only see in the fanciest of places! And it all started very normal. Let's dive into the dream space!

I am standing on a platform at train station Haarlem Centraal, Netherlands. Trains came and went. When I look around, I see people standing, waiting to catch the next train. Looking up, a digital sign said: “Groningen”. The next train went to Groningen, it actually sounds pretty nice, so I wanted to go there.

As I'm reaching into my left pocket, I notice I have my phone with me. I turned it on, and it was open on the Contacts app. On the top of the list, there was a peculiar person I never heard of before: Ben. I decided to give Ben a call.

A robotic voice made itself audible on the speaker. The robotic voice said: “Hi, I'm Ben! A dream AI. I can change any dream for you just the way you like it.”

“Anything?”, I ask. “We do anything for our customers. Your deepest desires, your wildest wishes and your greatest adventures come true. With Ben, you are 100% in control”.

Eager to test that theory, realizing as I was getting lucid — I'm not just anybody! I'm not going to stand here and wait for public transport like normal citizens do! I want a private train!

And so I speak my wishes in a clear English voice to Ben on my phone. No reply. Ben wasn't saying a word.

But something is changing… Looking up at the sign, it starts to flicker, as if someone is hacking into the sign in my dream, and quickly, the sign updated, saying: “Do not board — Private train”.

Not long after, I hear the train rolling into view — and my dragons — was it a marvel to behold, easily 100 cars long. The entire exterior is a silvery white train with red stripes on it. The red stripes are made from precisely cut ruby that is so thin and so flat that it surprises me it doesn't chip or crack. Surrounding the ruby stripes was chrome lining that holds everything together.

It looks shiny and beautiful, modern yet classical, drawing its inspiration from late 80s diners in the United States, along with Sci-fi elements from “Snowpiercer” and “Hunger Games — Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”.

What really strikes me at this point is that, this all feels man-made. Engineered. My fantasy doesn't extend to these exquisite tastes without much research beforehand. And yet, that initial fear of the unknown made it all the more tantalizing to step in and roll the fast-lane of the dream world.

The car at the front opens its door, and to my surprise, nobody of the crowd steps in, automatically obeying what the sign says. In a split second, Ben had changed the normal aesthetic of a public train station into a capitalist class-divided private railroad for the ultra-rich to get their own private trains. In real life I'd hate this, but now I couldn't care less!

I got inside the train at the front, just before the conductors' car. The first cabin is relatively simple. It has a few chairs, tables that's it. Nothing too shabby. Each car has the same silvery white colour as the exterior, separated by red doors, mimicking the ruby stripes.

For the first time since my command, the AI spoke again: it said the train would be departing soon, but that I'm allowed to explore the train as I wish.

So, I go into the next car — and this one is a freaking tennis court! It was absolutely insane. There even is a small place for people to watch the game!

I walk into the next car — this seems to be a little restaurant, and quickly becoming my favourite car!

Stockpiles of candy and snacks and everything laid for people to grab for free!

There are Maltesers, Snickers, Bounty, and variations of it all!

Sitting on the floor (as the cabin where the candy was held was quite low), I start munching on everything. And I mean, everything!

I started eating the whole supply, there is even white Maltesers, and oh my god, they tasted so good.

Throughout this feast, I keep thinking of how grateful I am that it feels so real, the taste, the crunch, the feeling of getting full… My synapses are firing like crazy at this point to make this taste so real.

After the entire bar is emptied, and I feel almost like puking, I walk into the next car, this one is a literal petting zoo! It has a cow behind a small fence, and some chicken above in a cage.

It was an absolute monster of a train, and it just kept going, and going, and going! Everything stayed so consistent. I could always find my way back to the first cabin and I could even look at the screens inside the train and see how fast we are going.

I could look outside and see biomes consistent of that with the Netherlands… But something happened along the way. The more and more I drove towards Groningen. I started noticing that there are other people around, too.

First just a few, but later on, it starts to become more and more. And I began to ask myself: Where do these people come from?

This was intense and at this point I am a little annoyed because they weren't supposed to get on. We didn't stop in front of a station, so they couldn't have got on in the first place.

At some point, I even see my family. My mom and my sister… I ask my mom: “how did you get in?”

And she tells me that she doesn't know, but she is very happy to be here, there are so many things to do, and it is so special to spend time together with us on this train. I actually feel a little emphatic. Yeah, this could be special, let's ride it out!

I walked also towards other people, strangers… They say they are lucid dreamers and that they wanted the private train. But for some reason, the private train, was the same train for all of us.

I guess the AI made a mistake and thought that this train was the private train and just gave it to every lucid dreamer out there. I don't know, but the whole thing felt almost spiritual because all of these people, felt real. It added life to the scene. I see people hanging out in the restaurant car — just talking to each other about completely random subjects, relaxing. You know, just taking a cup of coffee or something. The train, the engineering, the people, everything was alive. It was so real.

It is even more alive than that. To each other and to me, these people were strangers at first. But riding this out together, starts to feel like days as time begins to drift. We began closing in on each other, some strangers became friends, and the friend groups started doing things together having activities. And the kids started patting the cow together.

Couple of more days in, people start setting up shops together, and they start making their own things. From just a means of luxury transportation it soon shifted into a meters long artist hub. And slowly, but surely, as the days pass, it becomes a city on rails. There are kids playing and everyone knows each other.

It is a crazy experience to see all this unfold, a life intermingled and yet so different all having their own characters and their own clothing, their own movements. Everything. Just… oh… it fell into place in this one thing.

And then I start to feel that I am going to wake up… Being so attached to this place. I don't want to just leave without saying goodbye. So, I walk to the front of the train, to the conductor. Strangely enough, no human is driving the train. In front of me there is a desk with nothing but a single microphone and a button. I activate the microphone to make an announcement.

A jingle starts playing, the same one as in Snowpiercer. I started having my speech, and I remember exactly what I said. It was that I was very happy to be here, and that sadly, it is my time to go, and I hoped that everyone remembers everything.

I let go of the mic and I walk back into the other cars, by now, things have so heavily evolved we have plants growing in every car, mostly food to eat.

But I didn't quite hear anything on the speakers when I made the announcement, so I ask random people if they heard the passenger announcement, but they all reply: “no we didn't hear anything”. So I guess that the microphone didn't work.

I then walk up to my mom. She is playing around with my nephews and nieces in a makeshift playground someone made. I tell her that I really loved everything about it and I hope that she remembers everything, but I am afraid that she won't remember anything. She asked if I will remember anything, and my answer was yes.

I explain to them that them forgetting, but me remembering is some kind of protection mechanism. To make sure that no strange, spiritual secrets about mysterious worlds reveal themselves. Yet that these people like my mum can still feel the positive vibes. Still, a really strange thing to say, but it was how I interpreted it at the time.

I walk back into the other coaches and say goodbye to a few other people that mattered the most to me here since there was no way I could say goodbye to everyone.

I woke up with full closure.

Once I got up, I realized I hit snooze on my alarm clock for maybe about 20 minutes. Which means that this whole thing happened in just 20 minutes. Possibly even less because I wouldn't sleep right away.

And that felt kind of crazy.


My lucid dreaming goal for tonight was to go into outer space and meet up with a highly advanced alien civilization.

As I fell into a slumber, I started to fly around in the city that I know as Rotterdam. I recognized the city because of its memorable bridge. It was all so real — I could feel the water splashing around me as I sifted over the canal.

Suddenly, I realized my goal of meeting up with the advanced alien civilization. Instead of flying forward, I started to fly upwards. And faster. And faster.

I quickly went into the stratosphere — almost reaching into outer space before I heard my sister calling me all the way back from Earth.

She was screaming at me: “Peter Peter, come back!”. I did as she instructed and when I landed, I asked her what was going on. She told me that I needed to have a spaceship before going into outer space because otherwise it would be too dangerous. I couldn't go with just a human body. I was quite surprised by her reaction, especially given that I was flying already really fast over the waters.

She pointed towards the right and I saw a very small one person spaceship. With a bit of difficulty, I crammed myself into it, closed the door and the spaceship automatically started to fly upwards again.

It didn't take long before finding another planet. It looked very much like the Earth that I knew, but as I closed in on the planet, I already started to notice subtle differences, I just couldn't quite tell what was going on yet.

The spaceship automatically landed in a city that looked very much like Amsterdam. I opened the door and there wasn't really anything going on just yet. But for some reason, my instinct told me to bring an electronic device outside and that's exactly what I did. I took a desk fan outside, it wasn't plugged in. Once I hit the power button, it started working — and that's when I realized: This earths core is a giant Tesla coil.

All the electronic devices, the lights, the cars, everything is working without any power source!

It was quite amazing to see. And my mind started racing over the complications. Even though the world was very similar to ours, the economy and everything else probably had developed very much differently, despite ending up with pretty much the same Innovations as ours. Well, this wasn't the advanced civilization that I was hoping for and rather an earth-like civilization that just got really lucky by discovering power this way. It still was quite interesting to see.

I will likely try to do this again in another lucid dream.


Last night before going to bed, I decided to lucid dream about meeting Richard Feynman.

I have met him before in dreams and I wanted to ask him a question about how to focus better on research.

To this day, Richard Feynman remains one of my biggest Idols in the world of science and physics.

I went to bed about 23:30, and I woke up around 8:30.

And from there, I try to carry out my plans. I fell back asleep, and while the alarm clock was only set for snooze on 10 minutes, during that 10-minute window, I got a lot done.

I suddenly woke up in a strange dark version of my room. And I knew it wasn't the real world and I also knew I only had 10 minutes possibly even less because you don't fall asleep right away.

I didn't think I would make it into the dream world anymore, but here I was, so I decided to make the most of it.

First things first, I needed to make the dream more stable. It was very janky and I couldn't find my balance. I also missed a middle finger when I looked at my hands which didn't scare me at all.

I simply put my hands on the wall and try to feel around as the world became more stable.

After that, I tried to carry out a plan on how to meet Richard Feynman. The first thing I could do was simply calling out for his name while opening random doors. Sadly, no one was there.

"Mr Feynman!" I yelled. "Mr Feynman we have met before..."

The only thing that I encountered was strange versions of our rooms. No one was inside, not even after yelling.

Well, back to my plan, and instead of trying to call out for him, I decided to go to him myself.

I simply closed my eyes and then imagined the last place that I met Richard Feynman.

It was in this strange futuristic white room that also had a garden with more than just Richard Feynman.

That was also Spider-Man. There were some police, docters. Overall, a lot of different kind of people with different roles, all trying to tend to help people in need, especially children.

It was a rather beautiful place. I tried to focus on it again while closing my eyes and walking straight into a wall and I kept going forward.

I did not stop until I hit something that was of any significance and not a big black void.

What I have encountered was a door that once opened I came into this cute little house. It wasn't exactly the place that I thought I would end up in, but there was a woman who said she was familiar with Richard Feynman.

There were a lot of food and pastries on the table. I asked if I could take one and she said that, I once told her that I shouldn't be allowed to get it. So she didn't let me...

I don't remember meeting her before, but she was very, very confident I have met her before, and told her explicitly not to let me take any food.

Well, I guess it is what it is. I asked her about Richard Feynman. I also realized I suddenly wore a jacket and gloves, which she asked if she could take them to hang them on the coat hanger.

By the time I could drop the subject of Richard Feynman, she was already starting to disappear because the alarm clock went off.

But once I woke up, I realized that I did a lot in less than 10 minutes.

So, it begs the question: With more time, can I do it?

I guess Richard was just busy today. I hope to meet him some time again.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Very interesting read, it showcases how big tech can grow more aware of the "threat" of the Fediverse and how they might act.

UPDATE: Those rumours have been confirmed as at least one Mastodon admin, kev, from, has been contacted to take part in an off-the-record meeting with Meta. He had the best possible reaction: he refused politely and, most importantly, published the email to be transparent with its users. Thanks kev!

What a hero, whoever you are!

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Hey everyone, hope you enjoy this one, been at it all day. It's been a special and fun dream. It's been a while since I did dream art (streams), I'm so glad I could do one again!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let me know!


Mine was constant night terrors as a child. When I found out I could "exit" a dream at will (waking up physically by moving my hands physically to my eyes, causing me to somehow wake up in real life), I realized: "If I can exit something at will, I must be able to control it at will too".

This kicked off the long journey that I'm still taking.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Finally someone that get's it

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Nice, cool to see more people have an arm Lemmy instance

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Yeah makes sense! It probably doesn't although I have no benchmarks to prove it, it just is enough for me. I know this much though: even if the x86 server had the same specs (ram, GHz) as the arm version it likely still draws more power

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

The server was a second hand server that has 32GB RAM and 2 i7 CPU's, it was made in 2015 so quite old. The Odroid has only 8GB of RAM but for my purposes that's enough, and given the power it saves it's absolutely a bargain!

If I ever need this much memory again I can just temporarily spin up something more powerful, for all other 24/7 tasks I can keep up the efficient ARM server.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Yeah it's mostly performance related. I have like 10 different websites running all at once, and while CPU and RAM aren't 100% all the time, with a heavy load I don't have enough free to do it

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

I wish the Pinebook Pro was updated cause I'd give that a shot. Or better, an ARM powered Framework laptop

[–] 24 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (12 children)

I replaced my old Intel Core i7 HP ProLiant server with an Odroid M1 (ARM Based) and it consumes 2 watts compared to 72 that the Intel Server did.

The only thing I can't do with it is my Minecraft server, it runs all else perfectly. Even the Lemmy instance of this account is powered by the same server! And what's more it basically runs for free, as solar generates enough power for the server to consume, even when it's cloudy.

Yes, I believe Intel should be afraid.


Today was one of those days again, but at least I didn't get arrested in Zootopia!

The dream started right when I spawned into a very strange city – the streets and houses all had a red shade.

Seconds after spawning into the dream, a police car was chasing me as well as 2 cops running after me.

Immediately, I became aware I was dreaming, and got crafty – in seconds, I devised a plan to dodge the cops for good! When turning into a dragon, all monsters/ghosts/scary stuff that chased me, stops and walks away, unable to recognize their target.

I thought the same would happen with humans, and as such I quickly turned into a dragon. It happened so fast, that just looking ahead of me, I already saw the shadow of the dragon, not the human me. The dragon's color is red, which meant it didn't go well with the shade of the city.

“Oh well, that's it I guess”, I thought as I stood there, not moving at all. But the police kept coming, I quickly took to running while spreading my arms to fly away.

It was too late…

I felt a hand on my shoulder and another quickly cuffed my paws from behind.

After that, I was manhandled into the back of the police car and was driven off to the nearby station. Neither of the cops explained why I was arrested.

Once at the station, there was this really fat cop that told me I'd be going to prison. They gave me an orange prisoner uniform that fit surprisingly well on a larger dragon's body, yet again didn't blend well with its color. But it also felt unnatural to have clothes on as a dragon, overall it didn't feel well, it just fitted well.

Then something strange happened, the fat cop handed me a piece of paper showing 3 circles and 3 squares on top of each other. He said: “Put this in your pocket, and if you show this to the guards, they give you pizza”.

“Oh that must be a lot better than the standard prison food, it's good to have a friend on the inside, too”, I thought. I accepted the paper, and quickly put it in a front pocket so that other cops couldn't see it.


Hey everyone,

A few days ago, I was with my boyfriend in VC on Discord, and he showed me his new, first suit, and when he put on the headpiece, it seemed like he became a different person.

It wasn't just putting on a suit, it transformed him into his character... I've never seen something like that happen before. I totally get the appeal now of fursuits!

He also posted an unboxing video, in case you're interested!


It's been weeks since I posted a dream, most of them were boring.

I had to catch up a lot of sleep + a cold kept me from having a deep sleep required for getting those wonderful dreams where you end up in other worlds and experience wild adventures.

Last night, fortunately, was one of those night. A magical portal was found into the world of Zootopia! Let's dive into the dream world.

It all started with me being at home. Apparently, I was in a very heavy fight with my mom, but the reason was unknown. All I knew was that it was a very heated fight.

We were screaming and yelling at each other in the living room, and outside it was semi-dark, suggesting it was around early evening. This type of fight never happens in real life.

I was yelling at her, when suddenly, we heard a loud “knock!” — so loud, that it broke our fight instantly. With an expression of fear, we both peaked out the window. The faint daylight made it possible to still look outside.

What I saw there, was beyond normal – my uncle and some of his friends held machetes or big, dull knifes and were about to break into our house. Once fighting, my mom and I now teamed up to fight our new common enemy. We swiftly grabbed the biggest knifes in the kitchen and opened the front door and attacked them before they could get in.

It was a big bloody painful fight, I remember getting cut left and right from my uncle and his buddies. The reasons why they attacked us was unknown, but it hurt a lot, even for a dream. (I always feel things in dreams as if they were happening IRL, sometimes I even wake up with the same pain on my real body, luckily that didn't happen this time).

For some reason we managed to win the fight and went back inside to treat our wounds. After that, news came out that a portal was found in our world that leads to … Zootopia?

The best part was that it was open to the public. So I went to the portal, it looked somewhat like this.

Just before the portal, an animal was waiting near the entrance, leaning against it. It looked like a brown animal that I couldn't place well. It asked me: “Do you want to enter as human or as your animal counterpart?”

“Just as my human”, I replied, surprised there were options.

I passed through the rubber curtain, and instantly I was in this lovely room with a bar, a lot of plants, and some music that fits well in a Savannah themed area!

I opened my eyes wide walked slowly inside the room and looked around, the scene was so beautifully crafted as if my dream was made by Disney or DreamWorks! The style fit so well that it was almost impossible to imagine. I still don't understand why I ended up in the real world of Zootopia, because I don't even like Zootopia all that much (the art style doesn't speak to me).

That didn't make it any less special, I knew full well I was witnessing something amazing – animals of all kinds and sizes sat at the bar or relaxing on big pillows on the floor. It was clear this place was set up for those that just arrived through the portal.

I sat at the bar, and asked for a drink, I was served something that was akin to beer, but it was different in taste.

I remember having fun and talking to other animals there for a while. A tap on my shoulder broke the fun.

I looked back, and this female gazelle like creature met my gaze. Behind her was this giant bull-like creature. Both of them wore police uniforms.

“Mister Willemsen, Could you come with us please?”, the gazelle asked me with a stern expression.

“Sure…” I said softly, afraid of what was going to happen. I was guided in a room not far from the café where there was this big square table, police and other animals were sitting, they ordered me to take a seat next to them.

“Am I under arrest?” I asked the police animals. “We just want to ask you a few questions…”, the gazelle replied, also having taken a seat at the other side of the table.

I swallowed… I knew what it was about, the fight I had with my uncle! Shit I'm going to jail for violence!

“I… I swear it was self-defense!” I replied directly. “That's what we will find out”, she replied.

“C-can I go get a drink real quick?”, I asked. “Sure,” she said.

I got off again, and for some reason, I didn't walk to the bar, but I walked straight past it, through the portal again, and to my own house to grab a glass of lemonade! I have no idea why! It would've been easier to go to the bar as it was closer by.

This did make me lucid, though, as when I walked back to the portal, the distance seemed much further than it normally was! In fact, it took me nearly 30 minutes in dream time to go back to the portal, even though to my house and kitchen was like 5 minutes.

This huge discrepancy in time made me aware that this was a dream. I still wanted to be in Zootopia, so I started running towards the portal, but my running slowed down as if it was recorded in slow-motion. It also almost woke me up.

I don't know why, but for some reason, I could feel that, IRL, I was still very early in my sleep and had plenty of time, so I decided to walk again and focus on the portal. Finally, having found it, I walked through it again. I got back at the table with my drink, but sadly, at that point, I already woke up…


It's been weeks since I posted a dream, most of them were boring.

I had to catch up a lot of sleep + a cold kept me from having a deep sleep required for getting those wonderful dreams where you end up in other worlds and experience wild adventures.

Last night, fortunately, was one of those night. A magical portal was found into the world of Zootopia! Let's dive into the dream world.

It all started with me being at home. Apparently, I was in a very heavy fight with my mom, but the reason was unknown. All I knew was that it was a very heated fight.

We were screaming and yelling at each other in the living room, and outside it was semi-dark, suggesting it was around early evening. This type of fight never happens in real life.

I was yelling at her, when suddenly, we heard a loud “knock!” — so loud, that it broke our fight instantly. With an expression of fear, we both peaked out the window. The faint daylight made it possible to still look outside.

What I saw there, was beyond normal – my uncle and some of his friends held machetes or big, dull knifes and were about to break into our house. Once fighting, my mom and I now teamed up to fight our new common enemy. We swiftly grabbed the biggest knifes in the kitchen and opened the front door and attacked them before they could get in.

It was a big bloody painful fight, I remember getting cut left and right from my uncle and his buddies. The reasons why they attacked us was unknown, but it hurt a lot, even for a dream. (I always feel things in dreams as if they were happening IRL, sometimes I even wake up with the same pain on my real body, luckily that didn't happen this time).

For some reason we managed to win the fight and went back inside to treat our wounds. After that, news came out that a portal was found in our world that leads to … Zootopia?

The best part was that it was open to the public. So I went to the portal, it looked somewhat like this.

Just before the portal, an animal was waiting near the entrance, leaning against it. It looked like a brown animal that I couldn't place well. It asked me: “Do you want to enter as human or as your animal counterpart?”

“Just as my human”, I replied, surprised there were options.

I passed through the rubber curtain, and instantly I was in this lovely room with a bar, a lot of plants, and some music that fits well in a Savannah themed area!

I opened my eyes wide walked slowly inside the room and looked around, the scene was so beautifully crafted as if my dream was made by Disney or DreamWorks! The style fit so well that it was almost impossible to imagine. I still don't understand why I ended up in the real world of Zootopia, because I don't even like Zootopia all that much (the art style doesn't speak to me).

That didn't make it any less special, I knew full well I was witnessing something amazing – animals of all kinds and sizes sat at the bar or relaxing on big pillows on the floor. It was clear this place was set up for those that just arrived through the portal.

I sat at the bar, and asked for a drink, I was served something that was akin to beer, but it was different in taste.

I remember having fun and talking to other animals there for a while. A tap on my shoulder broke the fun.

I looked back, and this female gazelle like creature met my gaze. Behind her was this giant bull-like creature. Both of them wore police uniforms.

“Mister Willemsen, Could you come with us please?”, the gazelle asked me with a stern expression.

“Sure…” I said softly, afraid of what was going to happen. I was guided in a room not far from the café where there was this big square table, police and other animals were sitting, they ordered me to take a seat next to them.

“Am I under arrest?” I asked the police animals. “We just want to ask you a few questions…”, the gazelle replied, also having taken a seat at the other side of the table.

I swallowed… I knew what it was about, the fight I had with my uncle! Shit I'm going to jail for violence!

“I… I swear it was self-defense!” I replied directly. “That's what we will find out”, she replied.

“C-can I go get a drink real quick?”, I asked. “Sure,” she said.

I got off again, and for some reason, I didn't walk to the bar, but I walked straight past it, through the portal again, and to my own house to grab a glass of lemonade! I have no idea why! It would've been easier to go to the bar as it was closer by.

This did make me lucid, though, as when I walked back to the portal, the distance seemed much further than it normally was! In fact, it took me nearly 30 minutes in dream time to go back to the portal, even though to my house and kitchen was like 5 minutes.

This huge discrepancy in time made me aware that this was a dream. I still wanted to be in Zootopia, so I started running towards the portal, but my running slowed down as if it was recorded in slow-motion. It also almost woke me up.

I don't know why, but for some reason, I could feel that, IRL, I was still very early in my sleep and had plenty of time, so I decided to walk again and focus on the portal. Finally, having found it, I walked through it again. I got back at the table with my drink, but sadly, at that point, I already woke up…

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