
joined 1 year ago
[–] harmonea@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

FOMO is a weird term to use here because it implies some anxiety that I could be seeing more stuff than I am.

I get bored sometimes. There isn't enough content here to keep me super engaged, and interesting niche subs about certain small games and whatnot are missed. I end up swapping back and forth between my front page here and my youtube recs, willing something interesting to appear.

But I'm not feeling the slightest anxiety that I'm missing some stranger's idea of wit on a site I don't go to. There's way too much internet for me to ever think I was seeing it all in the first place, so I'm more than fine with missing the latest lyric or pun comment chain or the hottest new AITA fiction.

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I don't think the fediverse has this, but I'm a bit confused why so many of these comments are puzzled at why you would want it. We have fediverse twitter, fediverse insta, fediverse reddit, fediverse discord, etc -- why not fediverse facebook/myspace/carrd? Where users could just have small personal (or corporate) pages about themselves that aren't as blog/news focused on the main(user) page.

I don't even think it would be a huge stretch to implement: a big focus on user page customization with a small microblog interface taking up a portion of the screen would do it. (Disclaimer: not saying easy to create, just not that far out of reach vs everything else the fediverse has).

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Pretty sure it's just meant to be an additional charge they can tack on once they figure out why you're not pregnant anymore.

They can't stop women from getting out-of-state abortions, but they can criminalize using Texas roads to get there, just like the feds can get you for misusing the postal service or an electronic device to commit fraud on top of the fact that you committed fraud in the first place.

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

Oh I see.

It would have been nice to have that in the post description for those of us who aren't as willing to hand over data (even anonymized) for certain uses.

Thanks for locating it!

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 21 points 11 months ago (3 children)

What's the purpose of your research? Curiosity? A student thesis? A professional paper? Are you a dev actively working on improving the fediverse?

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Okay but seriously, what is this pedantry even? I wasn't trying to put forth some all-encompassing thesis of every reason people might pirate, nor do I accept that "needs to be in on all the current memes" is some reason one is entitled to media. And neither point has anything to do with the discussion we're having with OP.

Bizarre as heck tangent.

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Your comparison is still really, really unclear. Are you comparing the consumption of "extra products" for vegans vs vegetarians to the consumption of "extra products" for piracy?

If so: Do you really not understand that limited physical demand differs from unlimited digital demand? If a vegetarian eats, idk, an egg a day.... that's an extra 365 eggs that had to be produced and were paid for, thus supporting the industry, when you could have hypothetically decreased demand and possibly caused a drop in production. Whereas the media consumed by pirates incur neither profit nor cost (in that if we assume they would never have paid for those goods in the first place, it isn't a lost sale). There is no production cost for there to be 1 sold copy and 1 pirated copy vs 1 sold copy only.

Though tbh, I'm just devil's advocating the vegan position here. I really think you had a handful of bad encounters with militant vegans and assume the majority of the threadiverse thinks like that. And, well... we don't? What even is this "lemmy culture"? The amount of confusion and responses that aren't addressing the point you meant to make should show you that most of us are not engaging with this on the line of thought you assumed we would.

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

Hey man, I'm willing to be honest about what I do. I'm not entitled to consume that media just because it exists, and I'm not going to beat around the bush about that.

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (9 children)

I don't really understand why you're comparing these two things? One is a group of people refraining from consumption of certain goods for personal reasons - health, ethics, climate impact, whatever. The other is a group of people consuming arguably more goods than they (we tbh) deserve since we're not willing or able to pay for it for one reason or another.

A better analogy would be comparing piracy to... I don't know, a veg-eater of whatever type who still enjoys the taste of bacon and resorts to stealing it because it's better to hurt the meat industry than to pay? It's a product that person really doesn't really need and absolutely would have never paid for, yet the person still wants it and obtains it in a way that hurts the industry.

(The analogy doesn't hold up since stealing physical goods has a different impact than distributing digital copies, but it's the best I've got off the cuff)

E: okay, after reading your other comments, I'm both confident this didn't address the point you wanted and confident I don't really understand your deal well enough to do so. Both of these groups have some members who have a problem with industry practices and others who are into their chosen lifestyle for other reasons. It seems like you've made some odd decisions about which groups are most prevalent among each and are framing your premise around that, and I don't think we're going to see eye-to-eye on it when the premise is Like This.

Or are you trying to say veganism should be more widely accepted because "DRM is wrong" is roughly equivalent to "animal suffering is wrong" re: "industry bad"?

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago

Corrected archive link - OP's is missing a character so it's not working

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Corrected archive link - OP's is missing a character so it's not working

[–] harmonea@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Agnosticism is a stance about epistemology, the nature of knowledge - what it's possible to know or not know. Atheism is a stance about the nature of metaphysics and the supernatural - whether you think there are gods.

You can have a stance on both. There are Gnostic Theists (there is definitely a god), Gnostic Atheists (there is definitely no god), Agnostic Theists (I believe in a god, but I accept it as belief alone), and Agnostic Atheists (I don't believe in any gods and I don't think anyone will ever prove otherwise).

Everyone who doesn't believe in any gods, grand creators, "spiritual energy that binds us all together," or what have you is an atheist. Don't gatekeep just because someone is less militant than you, especially on a post you're making out of frustration toward those more militant than you.


Another day, another fierce need to lick Vyn's collarbone mole.

#TearsOfThemis #OtomeGames



My #kbin account seems broken? :\ For the last month+ I can't get any thread I create to show up in its magazine, even when the magazine is a local one. Comments are fine, microblog posts are fine, threads show up in my profile but never the magazine.

Admittedly I don't try very often, but that makes it all the more disheartening when I feel like "yay, I finally have something worth sharing" and, well, no apparently I don't.



I recently finished playing Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains and thought I'd leave a review to get some conversation going in here.

I'm not sure how I even heard about this one honestly, I just remember grabbing it "for later," forgetting about it for a while, and finding it like a forgotten $20 bill in last year's winter coat one day. Sweet.

I'm surprised I haven't been able to find where I saw it mentioned, as after playing it I can't believe there aren't certain segments of the internet up in arms about it. There's quite a bit of "problematic" content especially with regard to age gaps, consent issues, and family relations. I personally can enjoy that sort of taboo content as I have a good solid wall between fiction and reality, but this isn't an otome for everyone, and I'm surprised people aren't madder about it. In particular, the bad endings can get very dark.

It's an interesting setting I feel like I don't see much of - Taisho era Japan, when the country seems to be struggling with its identity and how much western culture to adopt. The player character is a girl who's just come of age in a financially struggling noble family, and the story opens on a lavish birthday party meant to find her a good husband before the household collapses. Of course, the party doesn't go as planned, but I won't spoil anything until I warn you (and even then I'll only talk about personalities and content flavors, not actual events). The story is written in third person, for those who find that sort of thing important (makes no difference to me), and the MC has a canon name that's voiced in the dialogue if you choose to use it instead of changing it.

As for the love interests, we have:

  • Shiba, a nouveau riche businessman who's obsessed with the MC
  • Fujita, the gentle and reserved family butler who's watched the MC grow up
  • Hideo, a brash soldier and the MC's childhood friend
  • Mizuhito, the MC's older half brother, a lazy artist who appears to have little care for anything but the company of prostitutes
  • Majima, the distant family gardener and MC's first crush
  • Kyoko, an elite businesswoman who's the subject, and dealer, of numerous illicit rumors

I enjoyed all the routes, found the setting and mystery pretty interesting, didn't feel like the guys who didn't catch my interest dragged the story down, and didn't regret any of my time spent with this VN. However, I didn't come out of this one with any new figures for the "fictional men's hall of fame" in my heart.

I was also kind of disappointed to learn the original JP release was R18 with numerous NSFW scenes, while the English translation I read was a PC port of the (understandably, but sadly) censored Switch version in which entire 15+ minute scenes are reduced to a vague description line or two in which you can tell something sexy happened but see almost nothing about the character of how the guys approach it. There is NO H-patch for this one that I could find (or find mention of), but there are fan TLs of the NSFW scenes online that I was grateful to find.

Overall, I would give it a good 8/10 or so since I enjoyed it throughout but didn't get that "special something" that would leave it on my mind for years to come the way some other stories/LIs have.

That's about all for the spoiler-free stuff, but I want to end by saying more about my impressions/opinions of the love interests, and while I won't spoil the actual events of the story, you might still prefer to discover this stuff on your own, so here is your...


...since I still don't know of any hideable spoiler markup here on the threadiverse.

  • Shiba is SO obsessed with the MC that several of the routes have "bad ends" that have her marry him anyway. As someone whose favorite LIs are the confident scheming relentless sorts with big fat bonuses for yandere and villainy (note: Shiba does NOT check some of these boxes and I'm not saying which ones), he ended up my favorite. This route is rife with consent issues with a dash of age gap; those who like a good hate-to-love arc will enjoy him.
  • Fujita was too gentle for me, but others will super appreciate his reserved sweetness and submissiveness. He has one bad end that's really not my cup of tea, but it's a pretty unusual one for an otome, so I can still appreciate that it was included. His route's problem content is the age gap as he's roughly twice the MC's age. Those who like to wear down a distant, professional LI until his control breaks will have a great time here.
  • Hideo... Now, this is the LI I felt the least for, but I appreciated that the obligatory childhood friend route wasn't all sweetness and simpering in this otome as he's pretty grumpy and tsun at the start. This route also suffered by blundering into the big mystery in a way that felt pretty unnatural to me, too. Right, as far as content warnings (bonuses? hee) go... the route definitely still has content some would consider a problem, but I said I wouldn't spoil the story events, so I can't mention it directly... those who really want the gist of it despite it spoiling a mild reveal early in the route should read back over this paragraph about Hideo and pay attention to the first letter of each sentence.
  • Mizuhito's route was surprisingly bittersweet; there's more to his listless lazy attitude and constant escape to the red light district than meets the eye. He probably has the most character growth of any of the LIs, and I appreciate that. The spicy (fan TL) version of one of his bad ends is really wild (and fun, IMO). His problem content revolves around the family relation; I have a high tolerance for fictional squick, but even I felt uneasy when he blurted out the line "I remember when you were a newborn" (or something to that effect). Those who like a broken LI they can "fix" will enjoy Mizuhito.
  • Majima... Based on my pattern of thirst in most otomes, this guy should have been my favorite. But something about him, while absolutely top-tier fun, wasn't as satisfying as he could have been, which let Shiba steal my top spot. The romance almost seems to interrupt his character arc rather than being the goal of it. Majima is enforced by the game to be the last route you have access to; you have to finish at least one ending from each of the other LIs to access his. His route has some consent issues along the way, as well as some other things I wouldn't dare discuss; by the time you get there, you'll know what you're in for. (I will say this route doesn't need any NEW content warnings, at any rate.) Majima's big appeal is, as you might guess from him being last, unraveling a mystery and discovering the layers under the MC's first crush.
  • I list Kyoko last because the romance on her route is left implied rather than direct (even though it's a very "Sappho and her Friend" type of obvious). She's a very fun character, and I give her a tie for my personal third place with Mizuhito. Her routes are short, and both the good and bad ends are important in their own ways, though I would say Kyoko doesn't have a "romantic" good end as hers focuses on the mystery instead. Only a broken MC can get truly close to Kyoko, and I want to give her bad end the trophy for darkest in the game (of course very debatable given some of the other awful things happening here).

Thanks for reading - feel free to strike up conversation about your experiences with this game, whether this review piques your interest, suggestions of other otomes that someone who enjoyed this game might also be interested in, or whatever else strikes your fancy.


I've used PowerDeleteSuite to blank out this much karma over the last few days.

I made a habit of changing accounts every couple of years as an indulgence of mild paranoia, so I don't have one big powerful deletion to show off, but~ over 12k/120k cumulative across them all is pretty chunky.



I subscribed to a magazine that, in the last day, has changed over to an unreadable custom CSS that goes so far as to break site gizmos; no matter my theme choice, their custom CSS overrides my setting.

Is there a way to override their override?


You can tell the landscape is seriously shifting at reddit because of the drastic change in user opinion just in the last week. Subreddits that were overwhelmingly in favor of the blackout last week have suddenly shifted to seem drastically against it. Is this a sign anyone actually changed their minds? No, it's just the opposite: most of us dissenters packed up our shit and left.

I'm disappointed in some of the specific game subs I've been a part of staying open in the name of "but the community and resources are all established here" (#Rimworld) or those who aren't even talking about it (#GenshinImpact, #TearsOfThemis). I'd really like to create some of these over here to get the ball rolling, but I know moderation is not a task to be underestimated; I KNOW I don't really have a suitable personality for it, plus I have my hands full with other projects.



Is there a way to filter out content from the fediverse-at-large by language?

Ideally I would like to select a few languages I have some familiarity with, but I'd also accept a "primary language only" setting.

(Edit: I guess I should have posted this in a space more specific to kbin, my bad)



I know all the #fediverse can work together and talk to each other, but inasmuch as it matters, I'm rooting for #kbin to come out on top of the #RedditMigration. I really like the blend of the thread interface for more formal, large-scale engagement threads, with the microblogging tab for more casual posts. It just makes sense to put them together. This is neat.

Edit: I wonder if people are having trouble viewing replies on others' posts? I've gotten so many that restate the same idea.


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